Friday, 16 December 2011


Everyone knows about making a new year’s resolution. But this New Year I’m proposing that if you’re ready to make a change you need to make a new year’s REVOLUTION!

Where do you want to be physically in 2012? Slimmer? Ripped? Fitter? Loose that beer belly?

Why do we start something, and never keep it up? Commitments? Lack of interest? Lack of motivation?

Probably all of those things, but with the help of my blog I want to try and keep the interest alive, help suggest ways to keep working out and keep your commitments and boost your motivation!

STEP 1 for your new year’s Revolution.
Go into your bathroom and take a photo of yourself with a camera. Take this picture and hide it away in a deep dark recess of your computer hard drive or keep it on your phone in a sub folder deep within. You can be as naked or as clothed as you would like. I’m not going to see it. This photo is just for you. Don’t look at the photo for too long, you’ll no doubt start to analyse it too much. LOCK IT DOWN, DEEP. But remember where to find it.

Think about what you want to achieve. Are you over your suggested BMI? Have you put on a gut that wasn’t there before? Did you want to get more definition in a muscle area? Are you scrawny and want to get bigger? Have you always wanted to play a sport and not feel exhausted after? Maybe you have a wedding coming up that you want to look smick for? Whatever your goal is write it down on a calendar today when you take your picture.

How are you going to achieve that goal? Well thankfully at From Fat 2 Fit, we have a resident Personal Trainer and me and my 2 dollars worth (note: 2 dollars not actually payable to me). And of course through the year I’m going to try extra hard to Blog the interesting, the tips, the things that work, the things that don’t and to answer any questions that you followers might have. So if you are struggling to keep up with your routine or can’t think of one, just ask. I’m all ears and can take into consideration limitations that you might have to try and help YOU reach your goal.
12 weeks from now, we are going to take another photo in that mirror and compare it to the one that we buried deep.
I think that we will all be surprised at where we are. And in the fairness of the Revolution I will also post my Photo, my goal and 12 week photo right here for ya’ll to see.

Ta på det nya året revolutionen!
 (bring on the new year REVOLUTION!)

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