Thursday, 29 December 2011

Work out of the week

Back Squats.
Yep back squats.
Love em, hate em, LOVE to hate em. Either way this is workout that works a LOT! However…be warned…there are 2 “howevers” however…
Do it wrong, posture and technique wise, you will hurt yourself! Guaranteed certified pain, from your knees to your back and this will not be pretty.
The second however is, if you work in a job that requires you to use your legs quite frequently day to day, pick your Squat day very carefully. I’m lucky, I sit at a desk for most of the day and leg pain is not a problem to my job. But once you go into the real PUSH territory if this be part of your goal, it might take a week to stop limping…You have been warned.
All that aside the back squats are great for back strength, core strength and of course the upper legs. Even more so, for all those ladies chasing a tight butt, the squats are also good for the glutes.
1. Take a bar and span across the back of your shoulders and support the bar with your arms at a comfortable width. Ad weights as required.
2. Step out from the bar holder if your using one, and squat down keeping your core locked as you push your bum out and making sure your knees don’t travel past the line with your feet.
3. Don’t pause to long at the bottom. Push right back up reversing the motions you made coming down.
4. Repeat till you feel abused or until your desired reps are reached.
TIPS: If using big weights use a rack or a cage to make sure you have a safety. Also think about having 2 spotters.
When you wake up the next morning with sore legs, don’t write the exercise off as too hard, next week might not be any easier but you will be less sore

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