Not sure exactly why, but the body seems to produce the most wickedly smelling farts when you consume large quantities of Protein especially whey powders. So be warned, if your going to get serious in your recovery, be it in large steaks for dinner or multiple supplemental shakes through the day, then be prepared to stink the place up a little!
A good source of protein is important to repair the muscle fibers you tear during a workout. And let's face it, gobbling down a dozen eggs doesn't seem that appealing...or does it? So I wont go preaching which brand is the best, because they are most likely all the same protein wise (within their sub groups WPI, weight gainers, shredding types etc.) but what ever you can afford or like the taste of, make sure you add it to your diet. It's a must if you are struggling to get your recovery levels of this macro on point.
There was a time that I once went without protein supplements, and from time to time I still do. But it doesn't matter where you get the intake from, it is guaranteed to up the smell factor.
TIP: Consume Greek yogurt to assist in the breakdown of all that goodness in your gut. The good bacteria has a way of neutralizing some of the potency, and HEY, Greek yogurt is good for you! if you can get your hands on it go for Mundella, it was tested, true story, and came up against others as having the most live cultures.
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