Back raise.
Getting your back muscle in shape will help your whole fitness level more than you will know. Everybody thinks core strength and instantly thinks abs and obliques. But what about your lower back? You use this muscle so much in everyday life and some back pain can actually be overcome by working out this highly forgotten area.
One exercise that targets the lower back is the back raise.
1.Find an adjustable back raise bench and find a height that allows you to fold at a height just above the pelvic bones. You should be able to comfortably bend and let your body hang without any pain at almost a 90 degree angle.
2.Cross your hands over your chest and slowly rise up till your inline with your legs. Don't hyper extend too far back. If you think your hyper extending ask someone to watch you and get them to hold their hand at the level you want to come up to and when you feel their hand on your back. Lower yourself back down.
3.Repeat as per your desired reps and sets.
Don't forget you can add weight to the routine depending on your goals.
If you're feeling a bit muscle sore the next day and want to carry on with a bit more ease I find that some deep heat will make life a LOT more forgiving. But be warned do not over do any back work out! You can't afford to pull a muscle back there.
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