Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Get Ripped fast!

Well well well, how many times do you see this ad and ones like it?
No not the Facebook girls to meet, the stop wasting time and get ripped ad.

I just don't get it.
Why, in all the world would everybody from muscle builders to athletes be working hard if this was really that easy?
I have followed one of these ads and read the guff. They say that actors don't have time for workouts every day and there is a story told of a buff guy sitting at a cafe telling a fellow gym junkie that this special supplement is the answer.
Well, let's take the case of actor Chris Evans who stared as most recently Cpt. America. He is a gym frequenter and does this almost daily. His build is fantastic and I have heard that he doesn't do anything extra special with his diet. So I wouldn't believe the ads. But I am willing to be proven wrong!
Good diet, pushing yourself for results and hard work! That's the answer.

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