Saturday, 31 December 2011

Make 2012 YOUR bitch!

2011 is gone, now a fresh start. For those who read my previous post about making a new years Revolution, now's the time to kick it off. Once your over your headache and hangover of course.

Whether your goal was to trade your keg for a six pack, or to buy a new wardrobe of smaller size clothes, start now!

Take a look at what your eating. Does this match helping you achieve your goal?

Are you spending all of your spare time just lazing about wondering what to do? How bout a simple half hour walk?

Remember it starts with small steps, and then the big results will follow.

Make 2012 your bitch!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Gime? What’s a Gime? OOOOH a G-I-M-E!

Well incase you didn’t catch the Simpsons reference there, I’m talking gyms!
Why am I talking gyms?
Because even though I thought I could hold off over the break period from going to the gym I became edgy and craved the pump and sweat.
However…my regular gym was closed.
So whats a boy to do?

Well I decided to take a bit of a look see at some other gyms in the area, and it has been an interesting experieice. Eaton recreation centre only has a small gym area attached to their huge court. It is however well equipped, if not more equipt for those wanting a lot of machine work. Equipment was fairly new and well maintained. I believe they have a separate room for their classes as well for those interested in the group fitness thang.

Second gym I tried was the Anytime Fitness, which as name suggest…is open any time. This gym is really new and surprisingly big for its location. The premise of being able to go to the gym whenever you like is quite promising but I don’t think you would have many 2am workouts, when you should be sleeping. This is however a great idea for those working the shift work or people with a bit of uncertainty in the daily routine of things. As an extra perk as well, if you travel and can find one of the affiliated gyms, you can use them too. I thought the facility was very nice and new and smick, but I was confused at some of the weight increment amounts. The normal is increments of 2.5kgs these were more like increments of 2. Needless to say, this threw me, 16 was too much 14 too little, 15 would have been just right.

I guess it doesn’t matter where you go exactly, as long as you know what you want to do when you get there and how to substitute other apparatus and excersise if you can’t find the right bits once your there.

For now it looks like I will be staying at my regular old excersise Club. Just have to wait for them to get back to normal hours.

Work out of the week

Back Squats.
Yep back squats.
Love em, hate em, LOVE to hate em. Either way this is workout that works a LOT! However…be warned…there are 2 “howevers” however…
Do it wrong, posture and technique wise, you will hurt yourself! Guaranteed certified pain, from your knees to your back and this will not be pretty.
The second however is, if you work in a job that requires you to use your legs quite frequently day to day, pick your Squat day very carefully. I’m lucky, I sit at a desk for most of the day and leg pain is not a problem to my job. But once you go into the real PUSH territory if this be part of your goal, it might take a week to stop limping…You have been warned.
All that aside the back squats are great for back strength, core strength and of course the upper legs. Even more so, for all those ladies chasing a tight butt, the squats are also good for the glutes.
1. Take a bar and span across the back of your shoulders and support the bar with your arms at a comfortable width. Ad weights as required.
2. Step out from the bar holder if your using one, and squat down keeping your core locked as you push your bum out and making sure your knees don’t travel past the line with your feet.
3. Don’t pause to long at the bottom. Push right back up reversing the motions you made coming down.
4. Repeat till you feel abused or until your desired reps are reached.
TIPS: If using big weights use a rack or a cage to make sure you have a safety. Also think about having 2 spotters.
When you wake up the next morning with sore legs, don’t write the exercise off as too hard, next week might not be any easier but you will be less sore

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Hello from Miss PT

An excited hello! To those people, wanting a bit more motivation or opinion for fitness, from a females view. My name is Kate, and I shall be your go to gal if needed. Firstly a little bit about myself. I have been a fully qualified Personal Trainer for 3 years now. I have done a few different things in the industry such as; worked in a ladies only gym, worked for a company called Your PT Expert where I was located in a mixed gender gym, also have worked with primary schools kids performing different fitness activities and also worked for a pre gymnastics gym working with children aged from 6 months to 11 years. The thing that I am most proud of is my outdoor group fitness class that I have been running for 2 years. I started from only having 2 or 3 ladies at 2 sessions a week, to now having at least 10 ladies at now 3 fantastic classes a week. I am also currently studying at Notre Dame in Sports Science, but hoping to transfer over to Physical Education (PE) teaching. My passion for fitness has come from my love of wanting to teach people all that I know and also learning through others. I am a high believer in doing what you love everyday as you only live once, so why not make the most of it!
Well that’s enough about me I look forward to passing on my knowledge and helping you out in any way that I can.
Miss PT xo

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Post Xmas Pre New Year blues.

Did you have a BIG Christmas? Eat till your stomach was almost bursting? Hey don't feel bad, almost everybody that could, did. I think I ate almost one of every animal yesterday and a crap load of chocolatey treats.

Do I feel bad? Yeah a little did I have a ball with family and friends? Of course and that's what this time of year is all about.

Problem is you have that New Years event coming up. Or worse, you have enough leftovers to last you through the summer.

Well make the most out of your time off. Don't wake up early, instead take a walk or a jog in the afternoon. Expend that sugar energy you have stored, sweat a little in these fine summer days. Make a B line to the beach and play some beach cricket with good friends or take a walk on the beach.
I will be continuing my gym routine as best as possible.

If you have to look smick for a New Years event, grab the bull by the horns and make sure you keep your physical activity up and unfortunate to say, lay off the alcohol as much as you can till the event. Try and get back into your regular eating rhythm as soon as possible and put away all the tempting snacks.

Go on do it!
2012 is only a few more days away and the time to get planning for your New Years Revolution is now!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Let your Children be your inspiration, not your demotivation!

have heard that once you have “KIDS”, keeping fit can become a problem. Extra responsibilities, less time, tired from staying awake, spending any “ME” time relaxing…the list goes on.
Well you know what? It must be possible; otherwise every single person who has kids would be overweight. But this isn’t the case. In fact I would put it to you that if anything having a kid is just another excuse people use not to exercise.
Think about it this way. Your child’s wellbeing and welfare is number 1 priority right? How can you provide the best care to your child if you become fat, lethargic and unfit? You run the risk of creating extra health issues from being unfit which could lead to you dropping off the perch before your prime.
If you’re fit and healthy you have so many other elements that your child will benefit from. If you’re keeping yourself healthy through correct diet and exercise, this will become embedded into your children’s habits. Ergo as they grow up they will already be inspired from the fact that being fit is part of normal life. Keeping fit and healthy will prevent sickness which in the long run means less time off work, which equals more $$$ for keeping a roof over your family. Another benefit is being able to keep up with your children as they play instead of getting tired and sitting on the sidelines while you catch your breath.
I’m not saying that you need to cut out all junk food, or become a giant behemoth of muscle mass to be a good parent. Just get fitter, for the sake of your children and for your own sake.
At the moment I have no children of my own so who am I to judge but I think that it must be possible! In fact I have seen it become possible from a work colleague! So the bigger question is, and please be serious if you comment, what are your tips for those taking on the “KIDS” excuse for keeping fit and staying healthy?

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Damn you Germans!

2nd day into this new workout and my body aches. Great signs so far.
The workout really pushes my level of dedication. Especially today when I almost had to crawl between the two workouts I was doing (thank god I had a 90 sec break to make it across) tomorrow is… a day off tho. Hooray something tells me I'll be struggling to get out of bed in the morning as my legs will most likely be wanting to stay behind.
Bring on Thursday… gulp…

Work out of the week!

Back raise.
Getting your back muscle in shape will help your whole fitness level more than you will know. Everybody thinks core strength and instantly thinks abs and obliques. But what about your lower back? You use this muscle so much in everyday life and some back pain can actually be overcome by working out this highly forgotten area.
One exercise that targets the lower back is the back raise.
1.Find an adjustable back raise bench and find a height that allows you to fold at a height just above the pelvic bones. You should be able to comfortably bend and let your body hang without any pain at almost a 90 degree angle.
2.Cross your hands over your chest and slowly rise up till your inline with your legs. Don't hyper extend too far back. If you think your hyper extending ask someone to watch you and get them to hold their hand at the level you want to come up to and when you feel their hand on your back. Lower yourself back down.
3.Repeat as per your desired reps and sets.
Don't forget you can add weight to the routine depending on your goals.
If you're feeling a bit muscle sore the next day and want to carry on with a bit more ease I find that some deep heat will make life a LOT more forgiving. But be warned do not over do any back work out! You can't afford to pull a muscle back there.

Monday, 19 December 2011

The early bird catches the worm!

The worm of fitness.
There are so many benefits to having an early morning jog or walk. So many people think that if they wake up early and go for a jog they will be tired through the day, but this is not the case. You will actually start to become more energized with every outing.
You force yourself to oxygenate your body giving yourself a great health boost for the start of the day. Then on top of that you have a shower to help freshen up. What a fantastic way to start the day.
If you struggle to find time after work to get a bit of exercise in why not try the early morning option. I even know a chap who uses it as 20 minutes of HIM time and he doesn't have to sort out the kids during this time.
Here are some tips to make that early morning jog.
Go with someone else. It feels better knowing someone else is up at this crazy hour too.
Take the dog. Or your neighbors dog. Keep the family pet fit at the same time.
Get an mp3 player and fill it with pumping beats. This helps distract your mind from the jog. The more pumping bass you have the more energy you should feel.
Set mini goals and have a path to jog. Try and jog further with each outing along the track you select.
Try and set a loop path if you can. Going in a path that makes you stop and turn around can break your stride.
If you have any tips to share please post them up here.

Protein Fart Update Blast!

Yogurt test day 3! I would have to say this simple diet trick seems to be working. Still getting some come through. But overall it's taken the edge off the amount and smell. It does make the shake a little tangy. Plain lite yogurt is what I'm using. So all you prot-heads out there give it a whirl, a couple of scoops with every intake. Unless you like stinking the place out. of course…

Sunday, 18 December 2011

10 Lose von 10! Mehr Energie!

10 lots of 10! This is a German training concept that I will take on to try and achieve my results. I've been doing a bit of reading and it seems that this is intense but affective in achieving great muscle mass.
I'll give a routine that I've found a bit of a try but will no doubt modify it and post my version plus update all with my progress.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Tis the season to be jolly. But not too jolly…

At this time of the year you have 2 choices. Stick to your guns and eat & drink in moderation or soak it all up have a great time boozing and filling the belly. What should you do?
My suggestion is go with the flow. It's only a small part of the year. If you have the moral fibre and determination then stick it out and apply option 1. If you don't think you can, and you take option 2, just remember you must get back into it as soon as your over your new years hangover. Most gyms will be open odd hours and your going to have some actual days you can sleep in. Make the most of this time. Energize and make sure you have your plan in place for what you will do come Jan 2nd. Don't worry though, I'll be reminding you.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Viva My Revolution!

So I told you I'd post my pic and name my goal. Here it is.
12 weeks from now I want to have a more defined chest and bigger mass all round.
How am I going to achieve it?
I will take a look at my workout info now and gear it up for the results. And I will do a check up on my diet.
S••ts about to get real!


Everyone knows about making a new year’s resolution. But this New Year I’m proposing that if you’re ready to make a change you need to make a new year’s REVOLUTION!

Where do you want to be physically in 2012? Slimmer? Ripped? Fitter? Loose that beer belly?

Why do we start something, and never keep it up? Commitments? Lack of interest? Lack of motivation?

Probably all of those things, but with the help of my blog I want to try and keep the interest alive, help suggest ways to keep working out and keep your commitments and boost your motivation!

STEP 1 for your new year’s Revolution.
Go into your bathroom and take a photo of yourself with a camera. Take this picture and hide it away in a deep dark recess of your computer hard drive or keep it on your phone in a sub folder deep within. You can be as naked or as clothed as you would like. I’m not going to see it. This photo is just for you. Don’t look at the photo for too long, you’ll no doubt start to analyse it too much. LOCK IT DOWN, DEEP. But remember where to find it.

Think about what you want to achieve. Are you over your suggested BMI? Have you put on a gut that wasn’t there before? Did you want to get more definition in a muscle area? Are you scrawny and want to get bigger? Have you always wanted to play a sport and not feel exhausted after? Maybe you have a wedding coming up that you want to look smick for? Whatever your goal is write it down on a calendar today when you take your picture.

How are you going to achieve that goal? Well thankfully at From Fat 2 Fit, we have a resident Personal Trainer and me and my 2 dollars worth (note: 2 dollars not actually payable to me). And of course through the year I’m going to try extra hard to Blog the interesting, the tips, the things that work, the things that don’t and to answer any questions that you followers might have. So if you are struggling to keep up with your routine or can’t think of one, just ask. I’m all ears and can take into consideration limitations that you might have to try and help YOU reach your goal.
12 weeks from now, we are going to take another photo in that mirror and compare it to the one that we buried deep.
I think that we will all be surprised at where we are. And in the fairness of the Revolution I will also post my Photo, my goal and 12 week photo right here for ya’ll to see.

Ta på det nya året revolutionen!
 (bring on the new year REVOLUTION!)

Feeling a little evil!

I was at the gym yesterday and an ex coworker asked me for a way to put his abs to work as it was going to be his ab day. Mwuuahhhahahaha.
Never ask me this.
I know the pain.
I know how to make you sore the next day.
SUPER SET them I said.
Do one ab workout then immediately onto another. Break for 60 seconds and then do it again. I have had confirmation today…
He is sore.
I feel like a evil wicked man. But I know he will be loving the results if he keeps it up.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Do my Biceps look big in this?

Change is gradual and you probably won’t see a big change in your physique until you all of a sudden look into the mirror or look at a photo or see yourself in a reflection, just in the right light. And then it will hit you.
So don’t be alarmed if on the face of things you’re not getting bigger overnight. The change will take time, ultimately about 12 weeks but you’ll find that other people will be the ones who notice first, and of course even more so, those who don’t see you every day.
“Welcome back to work Bruce, how was your time off? Have you changed?”

Get Ripped fast!

Well well well, how many times do you see this ad and ones like it?
No not the Facebook girls to meet, the stop wasting time and get ripped ad.

I just don't get it.
Why, in all the world would everybody from muscle builders to athletes be working hard if this was really that easy?
I have followed one of these ads and read the guff. They say that actors don't have time for workouts every day and there is a story told of a buff guy sitting at a cafe telling a fellow gym junkie that this special supplement is the answer.
Well, let's take the case of actor Chris Evans who stared as most recently Cpt. America. He is a gym frequenter and does this almost daily. His build is fantastic and I have heard that he doesn't do anything extra special with his diet. So I wouldn't believe the ads. But I am willing to be proven wrong!
Good diet, pushing yourself for results and hard work! That's the answer.