Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The twelve tasks of Hercules!

I am going to share an overall body workout to do at home with some basic equipment. It was developed for a great friend and brother from another mother, this herculean workout is split into 3 for 3 separate sessions and is designed to be high intensity for weight loss and strength conditioning.

Here it is,
The twelve tasks of Hercules.
1. Push ups 25. ANY WAY YOU CAN (low option on knees, just get them 25!)
2. 2 min fast jog 3 min slower jog (treadmill or around the block )
3. 25 dumbell/kettle bell shoulder press
4. 25 dumbell/kettle bell bicep curls
5. Plank till failure
6. Burpees 12 (Low option, no final legs throw out)
7. 25 Lat pull down (machine or 10 chin ups  )
8. 25 chest fly (machine or on bench)
9. 25 Prisoner squats.
10. 25 lateral Dumb bell shoulder raises
11. 25 Leg raises (machine OR dumbbell beginner squat /front kettlebell squat )
12. 25 calf raises  (on ledge or edge)

Don't know an exercise? Google it or ask me!

Get up off the couch or spend that last 30-40 minutes after or before work getting one of these bad boys knocked out and you too may become...Hercules!

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Dad life!

So almost  two and a half months have passed since

Sorry interrupted by one of the boys...where was I?

Yeah two and a half months and what can I tell you? Father hood is an energy drain. BUT I believe that the work I put into my fitness over the last five years has paid off.  Ab strength, leg strength and core strength have given me no end of talent for holding and caring for these guys in the most awkward positions. Even the constant up and down from the couch becomes wearysome.

Currently I do a Grit styled HIIT session in my garage with my pupil and wife. And at least two other targeted weights sessions through the week and weekend utilising my new gym additions.

Besides fitting in around 3 home gym sessions a week, I have set myself 2 daily challenges.
1. 100 pushups a day
2. Plank beyond PB each day.

The pushup and plank challenge is easy to get in each morning while taking care of the boys, because I only have to be present to tend to their needs, the rest of time would normallybe spent killing time watching the Food network...

To attain the push ups, batches of 25 are used and I vary between wide mid and close hand positions as well as on raised fist and flat palm. The variety helps work a wider range of muscle fibers.

My journey of Fatherhood is still only young, but I remain determine to enrich my boys life with fitness and health as well as encourage momma to stay fit also.

It's not easy and not always convenient for the boys to get that workout in, but in between it all, I'm making it work!

Friday, 13 November 2015

The Fit Pit! Under construction

In the last week or so I have begun the task of setting up the third garage to be the base of the "Fit Pit" my very own home gym!

Flooring has been taken care of for now with the use of interlocking EVA foam mats. They are cheap as from Kmart and if damaged too badly, can be easily swapped out for a replacement. And if you want to wrap it around something you want to have firmly planted on the concrete, they are easy to cut.

At the moment I'm trying to nut out a neat solution for a squat rack come power rack. I want to to stack against the wall when not in use so as to maximise the current floor space for other activities.

With more equipment to come...I can't wait to see what the Fit Pit will be capable of next.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Homeless...but home

Where am I at, at the moment?
Slipped a home gym session in yesterday and ended up deadlifting for numbers.


What I have come to realize over the last few weeks is that taking myself out to the gym and leaving my wife and boys at home is selfish. Not because I'm doing something for me, but because I'm taking myself away from being able to give my family support when things change all of a sudden (even when you think you have a couple of hours between feeds, they change the game plan!)

So I have decided that, rather than stop altogether, I would initiate something I had been planning for a few years.
Setting up a better home gym. This makes me accessible immediately if things change on the home front.

The next thing to do was cancel my gym membership.
I feel homeless now...BUT it will only be temporary. How temporary I don't know for sure, but I will invest my usual gym membership into more gear for the home set up.

It is a sad day, but exciting at the same time.

Bring on the next new challenges for the future of my fitness!!!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Getting it in...

Wow, two weeks into having the boys home.
Sleep...what is that?
Oh yeah that's the time at night that seems to last 5 mins between feeds.
Oh well.
The boys are getting the gains, so the important people are being looked after.
Wait, I'm important too.

Including a home gym workout and a half hour leg session that was cut short for a call to arms on the home front, today marked the 3rd time at the gym over two weeks.

Knowing that the "getting back into the gym thing" was not going to be smooth for the first part of fatherhood, I looked after what I was eating to make sure that the time away from gym was not spent permabulking.

I have gotten some of my home gym equipment back from a friend I had loaned it too and now with a quick garage clean out,  I will set up shop again to make sure that, when time or circumstances don't permit it, a session can still be had.

Fitness is going to remain high priority even as a busy father. It always has been one of my goals since starting this blog.

So watch this space for some interesting set ups that I will use to convert my third garage into a workout hub!

Post gym selfie game strong!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

I once was lost but now, am found!

Ok so another week had passed, away from gym and home.

I had been stricter on my diet, no deserts after dinner and keeping it as healthy as one can while not shopping for yourself.

I had participated in a wickedly energised box fit class with the family I was staying with and gone for two 5 km cardio interval runs.

But my muscles yearned for more! I wanted to achieve that pump. It's mentally tormenting to be away from the norm. But I had to be there for my family. Two to three weeks away from it all wont be a bad thing, it will make me hungry.

I had measured myself after the first week of being dormant and well fed, this increased my body fat percentage on the gym scales to the low 20%. While weight gain was minimal.

Since being back, all be it only about half a week, I have hammered the gym sessions quite well, getting those post day DOMS like I was a virgin again.

Weigh in results for Sunday, 13.9%body fat and a good weight to start from.

So what's in store for the near future? More gym, but looking to get back into the game a little more with getting back into supplements to help grow and acheive more personal bests and recover better.

I have a military obstacle course to complete in early November,  so I want to be on point for that too.

Ain't nothing gonna stop me being strong for my boys! Nothing!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

My little Hercules'

Well it has happened.
I have become a dad.
Feeling awesome, powerful and emotional all the time.
I am now the proud daddy of two little Hercules' these boys though premature, are strong and very quickly on their way to coming home.

Hardest thing right now is going to be getting my gymlife and family life balance right.

At the moment, I'm sailing on cloud nine and taking a week to rest and energize as much as possible for what will be the biggest disruption to my life since 4am gym wake ups! But like my early gym wake ups this disruption is welcomed and will be so benificial to my health and life.

But, the weekend will bring a chance to smash out a few power gym sessions and tickle that fitness bone.

Am I worried? Nope, for the last few months I have mantained a great track of workouts and started up training my pupil again. So one week off is not going to worry or effect me, in fact gainz and PBs will be most likely increased due to this break.

What am I doing food wise? I'm not being too strict on myself. Sometimes you have to eat what you can find close to places you are stuck in, my case,  a hospital. But where I can, I've tried to eat healthy. Where I am staying, well, being well looked after for tea and breakfast, but always healthy!

Next week I'll participate in some of the family fitness activities. This will keep me going till the next oportunity to gym sesh!

Till my next post.
Keep it fit and healthy!

Obligatory pic of the boys

Friday, 13 February 2015

New workout music!

I'm always on the hunt for good cardio, pumped up, jacked up music to train to. If you don't see me boppin my head... the music hasn't got me!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Epic Gainz Review

A little while back but not too long ago,  I stumbled across a supplement touting itself as a natural alternative to breaking the genetic hold back that stops many from advancing in muscle growth.
Well after a lot of research and some deliberation,  I decided to get my hands on this supplement and test it and record my findings far better than the current reviews for the product.
Current reviews lacked good continuity,  injuries,  very relaxed and poor wording,  limited measurement to actually gauge the results and a poor level of convincing before and after shots. Further to that, some of the guys were just coming off a "cycle" which meant that they were not trying this as natty BB's to begin with.
I am natural in that I do not AND will not do steroids of any kind. And further to that,  my reviews are thorough.
Sunday morning will mark day one!
Let the gainz begin? !

OK, last words on the Epic Gainz...
After posting my review to the Facebook page of Epic Gainz/wicked supplements I received a call by the end of the day to talk with Kirk from the company. 

Here is the email response after the phone conversation. 

To: Kyle Johansson
Subject: Re: [Wicked Supplements] epic gainz

Hi Kyle,

Good speaking with you, as said your tanita electric scale is never going to be accurate it sends an electric pulse up one leg and down the other, measuring the resistance of the electric pulse. If you are well hydrated, have eaten more salt or have sweaty feet this effects the reading, it also effects the reading if you are dehydrated, have not eaten enough salt and have dry feet etc, this is why my reliable methods are always preferred like a dexa scan.

Based on your scale these were the results:

Lean Body Mass Results:
Day 1) 89kg 13.2% bf gives you a lean body mass of 77.252kg Day 7) 87.5kg 13.2% bf gives you a lean body mass of 75.95kg a loss of muscle tissue of 1.302kg Day 20) 89.3kg 14.2% bf gives you a lean body mass of 76.61kg a loss of muscle tissue from the first weigh in of 642g

Fat Mass Results:
Day 1) 89kg 13.2% bf gives you a fat mass of 11.748kg Day 7) 87.5kg 13.2% bf gives you a fat mass of 11.55kg Day 20) 89.3kg 14.2% bf gives you a fat mass of 12.6806kg a gain in fat from the first weigh in of 932.6g

I believe and I think you can agree with me here that your measurements are all incorrect and thus are not very forgiving in your review of our product. It is not possible to loss this amount of muscle tissue within 7 days let alone 20 days if as you say your diet and training have been in order. It is also impossible for you to gain nearly a whole kg of fat in only 20 days if as you say your diet and training are in order, thus your review is VERY unforgiving on the product.

As said we had 1 person in a trial before the product was a product that had zero response, everyone else responded. You can see his comments here: his username is Dutch

As also said Olympus Labs EP1C and Black Lion Research's product Follidrone also have listed a failure rate from 3-5%...some people simply are non responders with no possible explanation. Olympus Labs are currently looking into a transdermal cream to try and get it working for everyone. As said we also have a gel carrier but have not put it into use at this may happen in the future.

We strongly stand behind all of our products, we have always felt supplements should work, results should be quantifiable and if blood work can be completed or dexa scans etc we always welcome them we want people to get the results they deserve and not a placebo good feeling effect.

I think we have been vary fair in giving you a refund so I am politely asking that you remove the review from your blog and please do let me know how your friend goes with his bottle. You are also more than welcome to contact anyone on the forums who has used it for a follow up or through facebook said the product does work it just seems it wont work for a small number of people. You are now the 2nd person we have heard from about it.

Kirk McWade
Managing Director Wicked Supplements

Righto. So. Sadly I cannot take the review down. I must keep my integrity for my followers. I believe I have been fair in my measurements. Yes I agree that the body fat % reading cannot be taken as gospel, however on previous cutting cycles the same scales have shown significant drops in the %, so as a tracking tool this has been suffice. The reason for adding this stat in this review was to make sure that the weight gained couldn't be attributed to massive fat gains instead. The other reviews of the product I had read only made suggestions that the gains were "lean" with no tracking or before and after bf% readings. Take that away from the test and the results are still the same. No appetite change,  no size change in a month in body parts measured and no Kg's gained. 

I'm interested to see more reviews and will continue to hunt and read. Perhaps I am the 5% they speak of. Could this be attributed to my blood type? AB+ is only 3% of the population and since this supplement is supposed to be all about blood, muscle and nutrient could be linked?

I appreciate the refund as originally I was ready to write it off as a tried and failed. 

I hope if anyone else trys the supplement they have better results, but if you only read the good reviews, you may not be prepared for the potential for failure and may think you did something wrong to not acheive the results. When the truth is it could just be that the product wont work on you!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Day 30. 
Final day of trial. 
Honest opinion of Epic Gainz? More like Epic Fail!
Not only did I not gain extra mass in dimensions but I also remained just as lean and weight almost 100% the same as I did a month ago. 
I would not recommend this supplement to anyone serious about "getting big"  
I dare Wicked Supplements to put this review on their site/page!
Let's see, not a single super hunger feeling (maybe the people that were having this just were not eating enough before? ), never threw around extra heavy weights (perhaps the previous weights this guy was lifting was down in the 10kg and under section, perhaps this is why he gained 2 extra Kilos) I didn't feel anymore swollen during the day after exercise and by itself it made no difference to recovery time. 
Is the secret im the SEDDS system they use? Perhaps people are taking this and getting a better effect from the other supps they are taking lile preworkouts, protein powdes and such. I feel like it may have effected my L Glutamine effectiveness, lord knows I was feeling it when I ran out of the Glute. 
Taste was ok, till you left it in your mouth as prescribed. Then the taste went a little weird sort of like the taste of failure...
Re measured my body
 Wednesday  28/1/15
Upper arm - 39cm (40 flexed)
Fore arm - 32.5
Chest - 112cm
Upper leg - 59cm (61 flexed leg lifted)
Calf - 39cm
Waist - 84cm
Shoulders - 127cm
actually lost size in the biceps and that was AFTER an arms day!?
No point in posting a pic to visually compare...because it all looks the same. 
I will spare you all another picture in my undies. 

Well that's it, I'm not going to use that supplement and perhaps I was naive to think that the results could be soooo dramatic. 

Onward and upward. 

Stay tuned to see what I can do with a special stack that I'm going to recommend for those looking to hit the gym hard for big results!

Kdawg out!

Day 20 - notes and measurements
Weigh in - 16/1/15 - 89.3kg 14.2%bf
Measurements...same as before...oh I grew 1 cm in the calf. 
Notes: No extreme hunger (most reviews rave about this "hunger" and "being hungry") No crazy strength gainz (again, read the reviews on the product page, one guy proclaims throwing the weight around on day 1) No super swolen feeling through the day (this supplement is supposed to have your muscles retain nutrients etc. Making them stay fuller) And recovery has not been effected (a review from a "fitness guru" says that it helped recovery...).
Perhaps at the 2/3 mark I'm too synical? I cant wait for the day 30 compare shots, but here is one from day 20. You decide.

Day 14 - notes and measurements 
Notes: still no hunger. Ran out of my L-glutamine this week. The DOMS are back full force now. So the Epic Gainz has been doing nothing special there except maybe allowing the L-Glutamine to absorb more? I try and take the morning dose before gym on an empty stomach, as it is suggested to do so, this leads to a sick feeling while working out. 
Day 7 - notes and measurements
For body measurements...see day 1 measurement list. Because there have been nil changes. 
Weigh in 2/1/15 - 87.5kg 13.2 bf%, so weight lost and body fat not effected. This was 5 days in. 
Notes: still no case of the super munchies. Still no weights being thrown around, though this new week when I compare the same types of exercises I might get a surprise. I have been trying to eat more with each meal just to see how I feel. Disappointed at the moment with no grow, but it has only been 1 week and 1 set of workouts for the muscle groups. I will take some comparison photos this week near the middle. But I would say that without measurement changes there wont be much to see and compare. Perhaps I'm expecting too much from this supplement too soon? The only thing that I may hae noticed is DOMS seem less to none, perhaps this is the secret?  Quicker recovery means one could train more and build faster than normal?
Day 1 pics and messurements, plus notes from the experiences so far at day 4. 
*Body Measurements*
Upper arm - 40cm (41 flexed)
Fore arm - 33
Chest - 113cm
Upper leg - 59cm (61 flexed leg lifted)
Calf - 38cm
Waist - 84cm
Shoulders - 127cm
*Weigh in stats*
28/12/14 - 89kg 13.2 bf%

Notes: no case's of throwing extra heavy dumb bells around the gym (as one review read on day one of taking the supplement). My focus at the gym seems to be only slightly more than usual and that's because of my subconscious knowledge that I've got to give it all I have to make sure I'm giving the supp a good run. No extra special pumps, I've felt more buzz from pre workouts, and this has not got that effect. No exceptional hunger, I try and eat 7- 8 meal portions a day anyway... maybe I'm not noticing it? Will hold reserve judgement on "muscles feeling fuller " till first week re measure and new photos. 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Is this supplement for me?

If you have ever been to a supplement tasting booth or seen a supplement shop lately you will have noticed mountains of options, from pre workouts to intra, protein powders and BCAA's.

Do you need them all?  Probably not.

Ok. So here are my tips for the "non bodybuilding" fitness goers in regards to supplements.
🔸preworkouts - if you exercise after work, or feel lethargic while working out, a pre might be a good idea. They can create focus and have you running longer or pushing yourself that bit further past failure, rather than reaching failure. Try and get free samples from your local supplement shop before investing your hard earned coin into a full tub. Many people react differently to the chemicals in these pre's so some might flop, while others might just make you itch.
🔹intra workouts - yeah nah, unless you are looking to marathon run or spend 2-3 hours at the gym (like a bodybuilder might) why u need dis? 40mins to an hour of workout does not require anything special throughout besides some good quality H2o. Don't waste your money on an intra unless you get it for FREE.
🔸Protein powders - do you hate steak? Do you hate chicken? Do you hate fish?  If you said yes to all of these questions and you are not a bodybuilder, then maybe you should get a protein powder. This is a supplement after all. It is designed to supplement elements that are missing from your diet. Include chicken, steak, fish, etc. with your normal meals... and you shoukd be sorted.
🔹BCAA's - these are great...but not 100%needed for a non bodybuilder. Again these are supplements of Branch Chain Amino Acids, which, you guessed it! Apear in your foods on a regular basis. However extra supplementation can be good to give your body the tools to repair quicker and more efficiently. This means less soreness over the dreaded DOM dayz.
🔸Fat Burners - this might cause controversy... DO NOT BUY!!! these all have chemicals toting fat burning properties that mobilize fat or magic fat away... all have been tested... and all have failed to produce conclusive results. All you will get is instructions to pop a pill or two, three times a day on an empty stomach. This leads to a funny feeling in the gut and no fat lost.

As for those going for a body building supplementation plan... that's a whole nother story!