Monday, 2 November 2015

Homeless...but home

Where am I at, at the moment?
Slipped a home gym session in yesterday and ended up deadlifting for numbers.


What I have come to realize over the last few weeks is that taking myself out to the gym and leaving my wife and boys at home is selfish. Not because I'm doing something for me, but because I'm taking myself away from being able to give my family support when things change all of a sudden (even when you think you have a couple of hours between feeds, they change the game plan!)

So I have decided that, rather than stop altogether, I would initiate something I had been planning for a few years.
Setting up a better home gym. This makes me accessible immediately if things change on the home front.

The next thing to do was cancel my gym membership.
I feel homeless now...BUT it will only be temporary. How temporary I don't know for sure, but I will invest my usual gym membership into more gear for the home set up.

It is a sad day, but exciting at the same time.

Bring on the next new challenges for the future of my fitness!!!

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