Thursday, 27 June 2013

The mantra, it's in the mind!

The mind's the limit, not the sky...

Your mind is what keeps you from progressing beyond your physical boundaries.

Take extreme cases where people who have been told that they will never walk again, and yet by determination and hard work, they walk again. It would have started in the mind.

Every day, waking up in bed and saying to themselves, what can I do today to make myself walk again.

To a much lesser extent, how many times have you woken and thought...maybe I should just sleep some more? Your body is capable of moving, but your mind convinces you that you can roll over and keep tucked in.

Well for a physical change, you have to be able to commit both the energy of exercise and the energy of the mind.

But to know how to unlock that mind potential, you need to know your goal.

At the moment my goal is to GROW and SHRED, so I have to keep my body pushing and pulling heavy AND increase the high intensity cardio.

What is my new trick then for pushing through those gruelling sets and cardio classes?

A mantra, a chant, a mind set.

Here is my example, RPM, a Les Mills fixed position bike riding experience, 45 minutes of glute, ham and quad work that can make you feel like your legs are going to drop off. As the minute sprints and crazy hill climbs start to fire up the muscle fibers and lactic acid begins to make your legs ache, I begin my mantra (on beat and in my head) “BIGGER, BIGGER, BIGGER etc.” This brings my mind into focus and reminds me of what I’m here for. I find, it works… could it work for you?
Think about your goal, and create your mantra. It could be a two piece like, “FITTER, STRONGER” or a simple “GROW,GROW!” say it in your head, say it out loud! A very famous mantra chant was used by Lou Ferrigno! (1:20 into this clip) do you know what it will be??

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