Here is the calculator so you can use it yourself.
Male "Grecian Ideal" Calculator |
Now when it comes to measuring you need a flexible tape. A fiberglass seamstress tape is perfect or you can find a piece of non stretch string or strap and measure it out after on a stiff tape measure. Also you should already be at approximately 15% body fat or lower, so if you are still getting your weight down and losing fat, this ideal is still a little far off, if you measure with higher fat levels you may find yourself beyond the ideal or close to it but with no muscle to show for it. Don't let that deter you, keep your fitness up and you'll get there!
The next thing to do would be to make your measurements and jot them down onto something, a notebook or recording onto a spreadsheet or on your phone.
What ever you do, don't measure every day. Don't even measure every week. Measure every 4 to 6 weeks and record your measurements. Doing it daily will achieve minimal result on paper as the growth will be negligible on a day to day basis.
The other thing you will need to know is where do you measure?
I have stolen this from another site.
Neck - Standing, measure your neck at its largest girth, right over the Adam's apple.
Shoulder - Standing, can
either be measured as a straight line from the largest points on each
shoulder across the chest or as a girth measurement all the way around
the body.
Bicep - Measure at its largest
girth, can be taken relaxed with arms at side, relaxed with arm bent,
flexed with arm bent or all three.
Chest - Standing, measure with breath out just above the nipple.
Waist - Standing, measure at
the narrowest point or at the midway point between the top of the hip
bone and the bottom of the rib cage.
Hips - Measure at the largest girth, where the butt is protruding the greatest.
Thigh - Standing, measure at the largest girth, just below the butt.
Calf - Seated if you are measuring yourself or standing if you have a partner, measure at its largest girth.
Have a think now about how close you are to some of the target sizes.
Are you lacking in some areas?
Are you close on some?
In the next blog I'll explain the planning stage and exercise tips that could get you closer to the ideal...
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