Thursday, 27 June 2013

The mantra, it's in the mind!

The mind's the limit, not the sky...

Your mind is what keeps you from progressing beyond your physical boundaries.

Take extreme cases where people who have been told that they will never walk again, and yet by determination and hard work, they walk again. It would have started in the mind.

Every day, waking up in bed and saying to themselves, what can I do today to make myself walk again.

To a much lesser extent, how many times have you woken and thought...maybe I should just sleep some more? Your body is capable of moving, but your mind convinces you that you can roll over and keep tucked in.

Well for a physical change, you have to be able to commit both the energy of exercise and the energy of the mind.

But to know how to unlock that mind potential, you need to know your goal.

At the moment my goal is to GROW and SHRED, so I have to keep my body pushing and pulling heavy AND increase the high intensity cardio.

What is my new trick then for pushing through those gruelling sets and cardio classes?

A mantra, a chant, a mind set.

Here is my example, RPM, a Les Mills fixed position bike riding experience, 45 minutes of glute, ham and quad work that can make you feel like your legs are going to drop off. As the minute sprints and crazy hill climbs start to fire up the muscle fibers and lactic acid begins to make your legs ache, I begin my mantra (on beat and in my head) “BIGGER, BIGGER, BIGGER etc.” This brings my mind into focus and reminds me of what I’m here for. I find, it works… could it work for you?
Think about your goal, and create your mantra. It could be a two piece like, “FITTER, STRONGER” or a simple “GROW,GROW!” say it in your head, say it out loud! A very famous mantra chant was used by Lou Ferrigno! (1:20 into this clip) do you know what it will be??

Monday, 17 June 2013

Measuring your success.

Do you weigh yourself?
How else do you check your progress?

It's wouldn't be hard to become disheartened because one measurement stops or goes in a different direction, even though you might be doing better on something else in your fitness. Here are the multiple ways to measure your success. 

1. Body data scales - measure weight, body fat and other vitals with body scales. My tips, take the body fat readings with a pinch of salt as each scales you use can come up different. You can record the other stats if you want but weight and body fat will let you know if you have stopped losing weight and started gaining muscle (weight will go up but fat will stay down)

2. Pictures - a shirtless side shot and front shot can help you gauge your progress through time. Many people will notice your body changes for you, especially if you haven't seen them in a while. My tip is have someone take the shot (it's easier) and take another comparison shot a month later. Compare your photos and see the difference. 

3. Tests - test yourself. You can see your fitness progress in another way, start by setting up a measurable test. Jogging a particular speed and see how long you can jog for. Then take the test again in a couple of weeks time. Did you do better? My tip would be to make a few tests to check yourself on a few levels, body weight exercises make good testing points. 

4. Measuring - you can measure specific body parts to also see a difference in the hard work you have been putting in. Measure arms, waist and other areas that you want to see change in. My tip would be to compare your measuring results monthly, too close together and you may be disappointed by the seemingly minimal results. 

5. Strength - record your resistance training to monitor strength gains. Recording your progress will help you see how far you have come and also what you need to achieve next time, or push past if you feel the need!

You can see then that there is more than just the kilos that can tell you how your fitness is going. Measuring even two of these can help you keep a better track of your fitness progress. 

Keep measuring and monitoring and be prepared to change if something isn't showing results. 

How do you measure up?

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Planning the build

I've posted much about exercises and different techniques and approaches to reach certain goals on my blog, so some of this might be a little rehashy.

Here are a few little things to think about to help you reach your goal.

Biceps are a short muscle along with the calves. To make them grow you have to hit them hard with heavy weights to the point where you can feel them bursting out of your skin. They will recover very well. Don't be afraid to slam em hard because you wont be anywhere near as sore as you would, say, after a good legs day.

Chest size. The measurement of chest size constitutes they back as well. So if you are looking to increase your chest measurement, do not neglect the back!!! At the same time don't over do the back, I have seen many with disproportionate back to chest ratios they have massive backing (pardon the pun) with small chest nuggets set upon that. It looks weird, be careful.
This guy still have a mean chest but the proportion is all whack!
Need to work on the forearms? These are longer muscles like your upper leg, hit them with pump inducing reps to get them flared up. Ever sawn a piece of wood and gotten a swollen forearm? That's what you want and you can get that from wrist curls of all varying types.

Abdominals are a hard one to get sized right. Too much work on the wrong areas can get them to grow in the wrong way and too little will leave you un-popped. For the V taper leg raises focusing on the lower holds will help, crunches will target the upper and middle nuggets and side bends will help with the obliques on the sides. The abs are another long muscle group so hit them with higher reps to reap the rewards.

Chest tip number two is remember that there are 4 ways to hit the chest giving you heaps of ways to chisel and grow. Upper chest, normally done on inclines or with close grip dips. Lower chest, done on decline benches or wide grip dips. Straight chest, flat bench workouts. And the Fly movements focusing on the outer edges of the chest where it interlocks with the shoulder.

Still need bigger arms? Well don't forget that the bicep measurement is also helped by your triceps. 3 oddly placed longer muscles that you don't see as often, but the people behind you can. They are longer than the biceps but treat them like a short muscle group. Hit em hard!

With these tips you can create a workout plan that can take you closer to your ideal Grecian Goal.

Continuing Ideal

There are quite a few sites out there that can calculate your Grecian Ideal just with a measurement of the wrist.

Here is the calculator so you can use it yourself.

Male "Grecian Ideal" Calculator
Enter the measurement of your wrist to find your own "ideal measurements."

Now when it comes to measuring you need a flexible tape. A fiberglass seamstress tape is perfect or you can find a piece of non stretch string or strap and measure it out after on a stiff tape measure. Also you should already be at approximately 15% body fat or lower, so if you are still getting your weight down and losing fat, this ideal is still a little far off, if you measure with higher fat levels you may find yourself beyond the ideal or close to it but with no muscle to show for it. Don't let that deter you, keep your fitness up and you'll get there!

The next thing to do would be to make your measurements and jot them down onto something, a notebook or recording onto a spreadsheet or on your phone.

What ever you do, don't measure every day. Don't even measure every week. Measure every 4 to 6 weeks and record your measurements. Doing it daily will achieve minimal result on paper as the growth will be negligible on a day to day basis.

The other thing you will need to know is where do you measure?
I have stolen this from another site.

Neck - Standing, measure your neck at its largest girth, right over the Adam's apple.
Shoulder - Standing, can either be measured as a straight line from the largest points on each shoulder across the chest or as a girth measurement all the way around the body.
Bicep - Measure at its largest girth, can be taken relaxed with arms at side, relaxed with arm bent, flexed with arm bent or all three.
Chest - Standing, measure with breath out just above the nipple.
Waist - Standing, measure at the narrowest point or at the midway point between the top of the hip bone and the bottom of the rib cage.
Hips - Measure at the largest girth, where the butt is protruding the greatest.
Thigh - Standing, measure at the largest girth, just below the butt.
Calf - Seated if you are measuring yourself or standing if you have a partner, measure at its largest girth.

Have a think now about how close you are to some of the target sizes. 
Are you lacking in some areas?

Are you close on some?

In the next blog I'll explain the planning stage and exercise tips that could get you closer to the ideal...

Get him to the Greek

What is ideal?

As a male, you will constantly hear women swoon at the sight of Ryan Gosling, Chris Hemsworth and Hugh Jackman, shirtless and athletically muscular on and off screen.

Whether they admit to it or not most females love them dick hips and abs, along with some broad shoulders and a strengthy look that gives them a sense of protection. Just as much as most men like a good shape, booty boobs and waist on a female. It's genetics combined with popular culture and media.

So where does this ideal come from?

Perhaps it stems back to ancient times. Perhaps it comes from the Greeks.

They have always been known for athletics (Olympics) and art and Philosophy, so it seems endearing that when many statues were dug up and found from ancient Greek times, someone noticed that the bodies were very specific in their design. So specific that a formula based on the measurements and ratios was developed. One of the main men of this ideal and the formulation was one Eugen Sandow. Sandow is often considered the father of modern body building, although looking back on his physique today you would never think it.

Sandow and Phil Heath, then and now for BB.

So over the next few blog posts I will show what you need to do to measure up to this Grecian Goal.
What to measure, how to measure it and where to from there...

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Whey cheap, eBay

When it come to the crunch, nutrition is just as much a part of the whole fitness picture as the exercise portion is.

But, sometimes you need to supplement your diet with some...supplements. 

When you start doing this you find that the co$t of these supplements are huge! But if you shop around online you can get them cheaper than the stores (sorry to all supplement stores in Australia but you are killing the pig on price!)

Here are a couple I tracked down eBay sellers doing deals on the goods. 

These guys do no brand name stuff. But the price is amazing. Good range too they even do whey alternatives!

A lot of different selections of pre workout supps here and at a good price. 

Do some research and some back and forward between the stores and you will find a bargain.
you can also find a huge range and great prices at

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Winter issues

Geeze it’s been cold these last few mornings.


It’s the kind of weather that makes you second guess getting up and going to the gym.

You would rather hit the snooze, tuck the cover in tighter and roll over and keep sleeping.


Well you know what… that’s fine.


Unless you are training for a marathon or a competition take that extra sleep, but make sure you plan to use it in the arvo or a bit later on. The cold is no excuse not to exercise because you can be excused for not wanting to get out and brave the cold.


However if the morning is your only time you can exercise here are my top tips for breaking free of the clutches of your warm comforting bed.


1.       If you have a air con or heater system that has a timer, set the system to come on 15 minutes before you are set to get up. This way you are not jumping out into the freezing cold kitchen to make a coffee.

2.       Have a warm drink. Don’t have a huge cup just enough to warm your cockles a little. A black coffee or milo would do.

3.       have slippers and a beanie ready. Two very easy body warmth loss, hot spots, are your head and feet. Keep these warm and you won’t feel so cold. By the time you make it to the gym you will be taking the beanie off before you walk in or into your first set.


Cold you have a grip my friend, but do you even LIFT?!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Be ready!

Be prepared!
You will lose valuable time if you are not. 

You need to go to every session with a plan! Wether it be knowing what class you are going to do or what body part you want to train, you can't get psyched up and get your mind ready for a great session!

Here are my big tips/bug bears to a avoid and help you be prepared. 
1. Plan your week - if you are lucky enough to know your week schedule, plan what you are going to do and when. Take photos of group fitness timetables if you have to, or find them online to help you plan. Set up days where you will do certain routines and then, STICK TO EM!
2. Have your MP3 player ready - sounds silly, but even today I saw a man sit down on a machine and slowly unwind his headphones and proceed to get his player ready. Do this before you get in the car and walk into the gym with the music playing. This will help you get in the mood to play hard and stop the delay tactics, BOOM in you walk and you're ready to go!
3. Have your water ready to go - another delay tactic, filling the bottle. Either fill it all the way before you start, or even better, have it filled before you leave for the gym. 
4. Know what you're doing - if you choose not to do a preset class, uses a notebook, iPhone or something to have the exercises laid out for you. Getting to the gym and not knowing what you're supposed to do next is going to waste a lot of time. 
5. Have a backup - on-top of knowing your routine you may need a backup for some exercises. If you think you'll wait till someone else finishes with a machine think again! This is just another time waster, know alternatives for most of your workout incase! 

Get prepped and get ready to smash it every time!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

And so it begins...

The last phase is in place. 
Today I decided to see what this GRIT class was all about before I dragged my pupil to it this Saturday. 
OMG I almost died, but now an hour or so later, I feel more alive!

Time to change the food plan game a little as well. 

No more "Vices". No milk or sugar with my coffees, I usually have a few each day in these winter months. Correctly portioned food and more strict on the healthy stuff. 

RPM class, GRIT class and my own mixed body weights workout each weeks + my usual mornings at the gym for myself. 

And so begins a new phase, a new challenge, a new body!