Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Tricked ya!

Are your limitations really just in your mind?


Does the placebo effect extend beyond some new wizz bang pre workout supplement?


I had an experience just recently that blew my mind and pushed my PB to a new level.


It all came down to poor re racking of the dumb bells in my gym.


Someone had re racked the 37.5 kg units into the spot for the 35’s. so when my training partner said, “Did you want to try for the 35’s today?” I was really heaving more then I really thought.


It wasn’t until the end of the third set that we both noticed that they were not the lower weight.


But I didn’t struggle too much, until the fourth set when I now knew that the weight was more… so I was tricked into lifting bigger.


The problem is that it’s hard to make a legitimate trick. You can’t just walk up to the weights rack and grab the next size up from where you last lifted and say to yourself, “I’m grabbing a 20” if you really know that you grabbed the 25’s instead. As a fitness coach for my pupil I often trick him into going further with his bridge holds. Because these are timed and he can’t see the clock, he’ll often ask me to count him down to a particular time. Often… I will give a 10 second countdown at the minute mark, this gets him beyond what his mind thinks he can achieve.


I’ll have to think of some more ways to trick the mind into doing more and post any ideas on this page.


Till then,


Trick for treat!

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