Saturday, 4 May 2013

The hobbodybuilder

I don't consider myself a bodybuilder.
I'm not training for a marathon.
I'm not training to be the best at a sport.

No I'm a hobby bodybuilder, a hobbodybuilder!
Now I know that the hard core BB's will spout, you are either in it 100% or not at all. But, I'm talking about building my body to what I want, that's my body building.

I think everyone falls into this category in some way. You might want a firmer ass so you build a better butt with more squats. You might want bigger shoulders so you bust out more shoulder presses than you can count. You might want that tight flat stomach, so you sweat it out every chance you get, and crunch till the cows come home.

So if you look at it this way, if you work out to achieve something specific with your body, you are a hobBODY builder.

If you take your building skills to the stage and compete, then you are a bodybuilder!

So with this in mind, you can sculpt your workouts to assist with your body building goals. But remember, you cannot spot target fat loss, you CAN spot build on muscle (but there will always be an increase in the assist muscles).

What's your bodybuilding goal?

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