Saturday, 10 March 2012


Front Shoulder Raise.

Be it with plate, barbell, cable or dumbbells this is a great workout for your delts.

If you use individual dumbbells you will gain the most in the way of even workout as neither arm can help the other.

1. Get a rather small weight loaded up and ready.

2. Stand up with a slight flexing in the knees, arms lying in front of you palms facing backward against your thighs.

3. Now like a zombie, raise your arms out in front of you taking the weights with them. Keep your arms straight and locked in. Pivot from your shoulders and squeeze the pecs a little.

4. Now this is the hard bit, get your arms out straight and hold em there for a few seconds. Don't let gravity pull them back down. Slowly return them to position.

5. Repeat.

Tip. The knee flex will help you counter balance the extra weight thrown in front of you.
Start small in weight, too much too soon can damage the shoulder badly. Then you will realize how much you actually use them.

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