Friday, 30 March 2012

Someone elses Blast

Here is a link for a nice little motivation blast from another blog.


Monday Munchie!

Super awesome omelette.

This is light protein rich breakfast, lunch or tea dish.

What you will need is;
Eggs, as many as you need to make an omelette as big as you require.
Spices and seasoning, paprika, all spice etc.
Fillings such as sliced meats, chicken and other veggies or meats. Try and avoid the cheese.

To prepare, place 1 whole egg and the rest as egg whites only into a bowl.y trick here is crack the egg whites first, leave the whole egg till last. This way if you get a safety incase a whole egg makes it in early.

Then add your extra ingredients and seasoning, mix together and fry it all up in a pan.

Then BAM you got yourself a super awesome omelette.

I find this to be quite a light dish as well, it fills without making you feel heavy. Taking the yoked out of the omelette keeps the protein high and the cholesterol down.

Keeping motivated…

I have my own way of staying motivated.

One of these is blogging about fitness and practicing what I preach.

Another, which most will know, is music pumping through my ears to block out distractions and keep me pumped.

But some other tips I’ve heard are,

Counting up in mathematical sequences, like prime numbers, counting in even numbers only. (these are made to distract the mind from a pre-set goal target.) in other words, your mind knows 1-10 so well that you put less effort in at rep 8, 9 and 10 respectively. Using this method should confuse the mind to keep the effort up.

Silence, use earplugs to block as much noise as possible. Helps with focusing on your breathing and outside distractions.

What other tips can our fellow blog readers give?

Comment on the post with your tip.

I’m sure everyone will benefit

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Hump day heave ho!

This little clip comes from one one of the most influential and well known bodies in the world.


You don't have to have the goal to become an umber hulk like him, just listen to the motivation and wisdom in what he has to say.


Monday, 26 March 2012

Monday munchies!

Looking for a sweet treat?
But want to get the most out of what's in it?

Keep it simple with an easy fruit salad mix.

This one is obvious as far as what to put in fruit wise, put in fruits you like.

But what you need next is a plain yogurt. You can have this treat in the morning or in the eve after a meal. The yoghurt will help you digest the meals you have eaten through the day.

If you have a protein supplement powder you can add a scoop or two to give some extra taste and fuel for your hard working machine.

So eating right doesn't mean tasteless food and no sweet things. Give this a try and EASILY get your fruit serve for the day.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Friday thought…

I have spoken about focus when it comes to staying fit.

Once you have focus you now need to give your workout the intensity it

Now some might think that I'm only talking to the body builders out

No I'm talking to those who want results.

Without intensity combined with your focus you will not get your

For example, if you go to go to the gym and get on the treadmill and go
for half an hour or so, then head home and keep this focused routine up
for many weeks. That won't cut it.

Yes you have stayed focused on the goal of attendance and getting on the
treadmill and making a sweat, but where is the intensity?

Your body has a very adaptive nature, it will get efficient at doing
physical activities to the point of no longer giving you results. So
what you have to do is keep your workout intense. Jog or walk for half
an hour, then end with a sprint. Keep track of your personal bests on
things. Finished a big heavy weights set? Grab half that weight
immediately and see if you can bust out another 15 with no break.
Carried out a group fitness class? Jump on the treadmill for a final 15
minute jog. The ways to intensify your workout are limitless... but
without it you will only achieve so much.

So the only other thing to consider when it comes to intensity is rest.
Yeah rest. Ever had a session where you work so hard you ache the next
day? Of course you have. Have you ever tried to carry out the exact
same exercise the very next day? Of course you have, and you can't lift
the same weights or run the same distance. If you don't rest you can't
give your workout the intensity needed to keep getting results.

So BAM up the intensity on your next workout, add an extra 1kg to your
bar, jog that little bit father, or increase your incline or speed, but
whatever you do...


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hump day heave ho!

Wednesday again, and to show just how intense some can be to be fit here is a highly focused individual ripping into an intense workout regime!

If we only can achieve half his intensity with our workouts, imagine the possibilities...

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Tuesday tech fitness!

Ok a little late I know.

I had to wait forever last night while gain fitness updated to a whole new level of awesome.

So this fitness tech tip is for the iPhone app and iPad app and website for gain fitness.

I know I have mentioned this app before, but it had had a bit of an upgrade of sorts.

Still one of the apps to manage your time at the gym efficiently or even when you don't have a gym.

Select target goals, set up days of the week you train. Let the app do its magic.

So if you've got it, upgrade it.
If you don't got it, get it!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Monday Munchie!

Ok so here is the start to a bit of a change in blog line up.

The Monday Munchies will bring forth a few food tips, snacks, recipes and diet ideas to get fit from.

Today I’m gonna start with a nice snack that I’m currently munching on daily.

It’s my own fruit and nut trail mix.

Now I only really like almonds, but just eating almonds day after day as a arvo snack is a bit boring and sickening. So I started to add some extra flavour into the mix.

Originally just sultanas were added. And this was great, so if you only have sultanas available this will be sure to make the snack better.

However now my mix includes, dried pawpaw (strips cut into smaller chunks), banana chips, sultanas and almonds. Chuck a good mix of these into a large container and voila! You have a ready to go healthy snack to munch on in the arvo or the morning. You could even add the mix to your breakfast cereal.

It seems too obvious to say that you would want to stay away from any dried fruit that has extra sugar added, and of course you could add any type of nut that you like, but some nuts are better savoury then sweet.

So start OM NOM NOMMING now on the right kind of snack.


Almonds raw
Dried Fruit selection, pawpaw, banana,sultana etc.

Friday, 16 March 2012

12 weeks, what have you got to show?

Well, well, well…
It's been 12 weeks since the start of the year, what do you have to show for it?

Well if you have continued an inspired and motivated fitness approach you should have something (or in some cases less) to show for it.

Let's go take another picture just like instructed in the new years revolution post .

Now we need to dig out the first photo, the one taken 12 weeks ago, or more if you started early.

What do you see?

If you have put in the effort and focus, has your target areas changed?

So after a bit of self analysis you now have one more step. Big results, little results or even no result, now you must keep up the pace.

Select another target area or goal.

Look at what your current excercise activities are and make a plan to crank it up a notch.

I hope those who took on the revolution have seen a change.

For those who didn't get the change they wanted, contact me. I'm more than happy to give you some tips and advice.

I shall post my results and new goals soon.

Keep the Revolution alive!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


I’m always talking about keeping it fresh and mixed up a little.

The same goes for the blog, as I move to my 1000 page visit mark (small compared to some Blogs I’m sure) I will be devising a bit of a change for the look of the page, and also my PRE planned day blog topics. So watch this blog for the new changes, it will happen, next week…

Hump day heave ho!

Focus is the key to maintaining your fitness.

You will notice that once the focus wains you will find yourself eating less healthy, going to the gym less and generally becoming less fit.

Losing focus starts a cycle. Boredom sets in, results become less or worse invert, you eat more, you go to gym less and by the end of it… your back where you started.

However, regain your focus and a better cycle begins. You sleep better, wake with more energy, get fitter, stronger and start to see more results. You look better feel better and your body wins!

So let’s keep motivated.

Get someone else involved with you work out, have jogging buddy or a gym buddy.

Go buy a cheap MP3 player and listen to pumping beats while you pump… your beats…

Record your routine so that you can always push to your personal best, and make sure you record your awesomeness!

Try new exercise methods and techniques to keep it fresh.

But whatever you do, DO NOT LOOSE FOCUS

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Front Shoulder Raise.

Be it with plate, barbell, cable or dumbbells this is a great workout for your delts.

If you use individual dumbbells you will gain the most in the way of even workout as neither arm can help the other.

1. Get a rather small weight loaded up and ready.

2. Stand up with a slight flexing in the knees, arms lying in front of you palms facing backward against your thighs.

3. Now like a zombie, raise your arms out in front of you taking the weights with them. Keep your arms straight and locked in. Pivot from your shoulders and squeeze the pecs a little.

4. Now this is the hard bit, get your arms out straight and hold em there for a few seconds. Don't let gravity pull them back down. Slowly return them to position.

5. Repeat.

Tip. The knee flex will help you counter balance the extra weight thrown in front of you.
Start small in weight, too much too soon can damage the shoulder badly. Then you will realize how much you actually use them.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Check in time is almost up!

Well the 12 week period is almost up, a week and 2 days to go. That’s if you started from day 1 of the new year.

For those who got in early around the 17th of December, you have a head start.

Next week will be the time to check in on that picture that was buried deep.

With one more week to really crank up the efforts, I think that my post from yesterday would be the prime final inspiration to make that last week count.

Pretty much make next week your Blitz week. If you still think you want to shed more fat off Blitz the cardio, if your shoulders need more work, Blitz them.

Are you eating the right things? Have you gone off the wagon recently? This last week will really test you and can make all the difference to your 12 week result.

So let this TGIF be the end of derailment and slacking and let Saturday morning be the start of a BLITZY week ahead.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

End of the arms!

For those who didn't know this last two weeks have been national arms blitz fortnight.

So it seems fit that today I finish my routine on arms.

Wether it's actually a nationally celebrated activity it can't hurt to have a blitz of any kind.

As another way to keep things fresh on the workout front, perhaps next week you should have a blitz week on something.

Pick something your really good at and find a way to push yourself further. Or find something you hate or are not as good at and make 3 of your workout days dedicated to just that.

Make sure you put rest in there.

And get blitzing!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Is gym a man’s game?

An interesting thing occurred to me the other day, is a gym workout better tolerated by men?

Two females (not the largest sample size to gain great insight on the matter, I know) that I have spoken to find that the treadmill running and the repetitive up and down of machine and weights workout is boring.

So is this a sex thing? Are men more inclined to persist with the routine of a weights workout day in day out? Do women require a more vibrant exercise regime?

Does this mean that men have a simpler process that runs through the mind? Are we simpler beasts?

I guess, if you speak to the right people, this is definitely the case. Men - simple, women - complicated.

So, if you’re thinking of joining a gym, and your female. Stop and have a look at the facilities. If a weights set and treadmill are all they have perhaps you won’t get the most out of your membership. You’re better off finding a gym that offers group fitness classes or getting out and jogging in the real world.

If you’re thinking about joining a gym and your male. You really have no worry, you’ll be happy pushing weights or jogging in one spot for half an hour.

I’d love to hear any responses to what you think about the matter.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Cardio is cardio! Make no mistake about it...


Love it or hate it, this is your best friend for pure and simple fat loss. it won't grow you huge muscles, it will just get that fat off your body.

Now don't get me wrong, weights and resistance workouts will also burn cals, and they say the burn you feel a day later is the workout continuing. All this is true, but... cardio is cardio, there is no other way to get around it.

I have seen a fitness video clip in which one of the big burly men says, this is like a cardio workout... NO! Very NO!

If it was like a cardio work out, it would be a cardio workout, long intervals of high cardio vascular exercise.
Bike riding,
Star jumps,
anything that gets your heart rate up for a long period of time.

Not a quick burst of 10 reps that gets your rate up for a breif moment.

So anyway, where was i?

Oh yeah Cardio is cardio, no way out of it...

End rant...

So don't kid your self when setting up your workout routine, if you want weight loss ad proper cardio to your routine. Don't cheat yourself and say, "My weights workout is like a cardio as well."

one for the gals and for the boyz...(Mario Lopez, he's still got it!)