Saturday, 28 November 2015

Dad life!

So almost  two and a half months have passed since

Sorry interrupted by one of the boys...where was I?

Yeah two and a half months and what can I tell you? Father hood is an energy drain. BUT I believe that the work I put into my fitness over the last five years has paid off.  Ab strength, leg strength and core strength have given me no end of talent for holding and caring for these guys in the most awkward positions. Even the constant up and down from the couch becomes wearysome.

Currently I do a Grit styled HIIT session in my garage with my pupil and wife. And at least two other targeted weights sessions through the week and weekend utilising my new gym additions.

Besides fitting in around 3 home gym sessions a week, I have set myself 2 daily challenges.
1. 100 pushups a day
2. Plank beyond PB each day.

The pushup and plank challenge is easy to get in each morning while taking care of the boys, because I only have to be present to tend to their needs, the rest of time would normallybe spent killing time watching the Food network...

To attain the push ups, batches of 25 are used and I vary between wide mid and close hand positions as well as on raised fist and flat palm. The variety helps work a wider range of muscle fibers.

My journey of Fatherhood is still only young, but I remain determine to enrich my boys life with fitness and health as well as encourage momma to stay fit also.

It's not easy and not always convenient for the boys to get that workout in, but in between it all, I'm making it work!

Friday, 13 November 2015

The Fit Pit! Under construction

In the last week or so I have begun the task of setting up the third garage to be the base of the "Fit Pit" my very own home gym!

Flooring has been taken care of for now with the use of interlocking EVA foam mats. They are cheap as from Kmart and if damaged too badly, can be easily swapped out for a replacement. And if you want to wrap it around something you want to have firmly planted on the concrete, they are easy to cut.

At the moment I'm trying to nut out a neat solution for a squat rack come power rack. I want to to stack against the wall when not in use so as to maximise the current floor space for other activities.

With more equipment to come...I can't wait to see what the Fit Pit will be capable of next.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Homeless...but home

Where am I at, at the moment?
Slipped a home gym session in yesterday and ended up deadlifting for numbers.


What I have come to realize over the last few weeks is that taking myself out to the gym and leaving my wife and boys at home is selfish. Not because I'm doing something for me, but because I'm taking myself away from being able to give my family support when things change all of a sudden (even when you think you have a couple of hours between feeds, they change the game plan!)

So I have decided that, rather than stop altogether, I would initiate something I had been planning for a few years.
Setting up a better home gym. This makes me accessible immediately if things change on the home front.

The next thing to do was cancel my gym membership.
I feel homeless now...BUT it will only be temporary. How temporary I don't know for sure, but I will invest my usual gym membership into more gear for the home set up.

It is a sad day, but exciting at the same time.

Bring on the next new challenges for the future of my fitness!!!