Monday, 4 November 2013

Green eyed monster!

Sometimes family and friends can become your biggest enemy in achieving the body and lifestyle YOU want. 

I've seen it happen, lose some kilos and next minute, "oh no, you should eat more!" Or "geeze you're looking TOO thin!" Come from your closest loved ones. 

This can be the most dangerous thing for achieving your goals. Who wants to disappoint family or close friends?

I have also seen the opposite, thankfully I have this scenario, with always positive affirmation from my mom, dad, brothers, wife and friends. So a big thank you to them. 

So what do you need to do if you are getting a different green monster appearing instead of the hulk?

Well firstly, don't discount what has been said. Some statements come from jealousy and some come from sincere concern for your health and well being. So ask yourself,"is what you are doing healthy?". There is no health benefits to starving or exercising beyond your energy limits, something will give and it will most likely be your health, then you start a viscous cycle of stop start and on top of that, you ARE damaging your body. 

Secondly, correct them. That's right, don't be afraid to correct them! If they say you're not eating enought, tell them what you eat. I'm sure they'll be surprised. I eat, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, arvo tea, mid eve snack, tea, pre bed snack.

Thirdly, surround yourself with more positive thinkers. A training buddy that you can bounce this issue off, or family that support you etc. Even motivational Facebook pages and blogs... Wink wink. 

And lastly, only you know who YOU want to be so don't let others dictate what you need to do to archive it! As long as it's healthy and safe, go hard and go strong building your ideal YOU!!!

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