Monday, 14 January 2013

Blitz day 2 of 14.

Workout log:
Up good and early again, straight to the coffee. Had to exorcise the demon inside before hitting deep squats and pushing out leg presses. This made me a tad late to gym.

As I drove in lightning cracked over the city as the dark clouds loomed. I began to psych myself up for starting with squats. But alas when I got there I was beaten to the rack by another. So I started at the middle of my routine.

Incline leg presses on the 45 super set with 45 machine calf raises. Each calf raise set however consisted of 8 pigeon heeled, 8 pigeon toed and 8 straight raises. After 6 sets of this the squat rack was mine for the taking.

I wasn't breaking any records today, but instead I was focusing on squatting right. Nice and deep, good posture and pushing through the heels of my feet instead of my toes. The super set here was single leg calf raises off the block with weight in hand. 6 set of this and for the second day running I was drenched in sweat.

I still had to finish the routine. 3 exercises to go.

Without much rest I moved onto the leg extension machine and ripped into a set of 10, quickly I was onto the leg curl machine to push out the same. Then back to the extension machine, no rest. As the sets went on the burn was making the short journey between the apparatus' a wibble wobble event.

Now for the finale! Could I lunge my way from one side of the gym to the other? As it turns out yes. Could I drive my car out of the carpark? Barely. Will I be able to sit down properly tomorrow... Maybe not.

Bring on back day tomorrow, this week has only just begun!

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