Thursday, 31 January 2013

From the realms of the fit

Not quite one week into my fitness mentor challenge and at the moment I see a very enthusiastic pupil, ready to take on the challenges that I set out for him.

I have put his cardio to the test and been nicely surprised. The last two days I have begun some sessions to work on other muscles in the body. These have been grueling and put his medal to the test. I'm pretty sure I heard him say he felt like spewing a couple of time. NICE!

Saturday will bring on the first of our beach sessions! And in a few weeks he will have a revenge session where I will let him push me through what he goes through, plus some!

Bring on the next six months of awesome fitness building!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Personal fitness motivator!

My latest challenge has begun.

I'm not a personal trainer, but I stay fit, try and absorb as much knowledge as I can on the topic and if anyone will listen, I will teach what I know.

Just the other week I got a call from a friend asking if I would mentor him. His aim is to get into shape for a role he is playing in July this year.

Challenge accepted.

And so a bit of testing and planning has begun.

The weigh in, a test jog, the planning. With only 6 months to get him into shape this was going to take a lot of time and hard work for both of us, but it is possible and we can do it!

As part of the prep I have been thinking of some bootcamp style, outdoors exercises. My latest little piece of equipment that I made is a weighted sled. This little bad boy is going to give us some fun on the beach come Saturday.

Bring on the next 6 months. And Mr Hughes... I hope you're ready!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Blitz day 12 of 14.

Workout log:
I didn't work out.

I think the world will end.


Wait it didn't.

What I did was listen to my body and take a bit more sleep for what was going to be a long and busy day.

On the plus side... I WILL bring the pain Saturday. And Sunday will mark the end of the blitz, but the start of a new challenge.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Blitz day 10 and 11.

Workout log:
More legs on Wednesday. Increased the weights all round. As usual my training partner was nowhere to be seen. But this fortnight blitz challenge was always going to be about me. Challenging myself to increase strength in a couple of neglected areas.

The workout was great, plenty of sweat, plenty of pain and plenty to gain.

Thursday bought on my last back workout for the blitz. Utilizing a weight belt I was able to add more resistance to my pull ups and on my cable seated high row I challenged my one rep max and mixed it up a little with some lighter higher reps and heavy with lower reps.

My finisher which wasn't on the original workout list was a few sets of bent over lat flys. Sweat, dilated veins and a great pump let me know I had done well.

Only one more proper training day left for the blitz and it's legs again. One last day to give it my all and push that little bit harder.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Blitz day 9 of 14.

Workout log:
Today was another day of back and yesterday I set myself the challenge to CHALLENGE myself. I did not disappoint. Every set was increased in weight and burner sets were used to push the muscles that little bit more. A burner set for me is straight after doing the last set you drop the weight by a small amount and straight back into it. But this time till failure!

Half an hour into my workout, my training partner rocked up. By this time I had already completed a full set of low cable rows and back raises.

It was good that he came, we were able to compete a little in a few exercises. Today we competed in chin ups and pull downs. It's always fun having some spirited competition amongst others that workout with you. From lifting bigger, lifting more or running further or faster, click the comp switch on in your mind and you soon forget the pain or the exhaustion. We even competed in a little weigh in at the end of it all. I won that too, bigger and leaner. A good feeling for me, a target for my training partner.

The fortnight blitz is about to head onto the final stretch. Bring on more legs! More back! And bring on next week when I take everything I have learnt in the last two weeks and apply it to a new routine.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Blitz day 8 of 14.

Workout log: Today it was back into the legs. Taking the structure from the first legs day last Tuesday except today, no one else was in the squat rack. So today... squats were first up! I now started increasing the weight of the bar, still keeping with a 8 rep 6 set method super set with the calves. The knee was holding up just fine, previous attempts at repeated squats have seen an aggravation of Osgood-Schlatters that I struggled with when I was a teen. But unsure whether all of my calf works recently had strengthened my knee support or whether I was just doing the squats right this time, everything seemed to feel and work better; I wasn’t going to question it. By the time that was over I had two problems. 1. The incline press was now in use. 2. My headphones had finally given up, after at least 4 years of service. So I jumped to my lunges to pass the time while the machine freed up. Even after the lunges it was still in use. So I moved on to some extension and curls, now only the 45's remained on the list. The 45 work proved to be the real test. At my forth set I was ready to give up. I was ready to call it and say, "Nope I'm done." But I didn't, it FELT like my legs were going to give way and fall off, but I knew deep down that this wasn't going to happen. I pushed on. Another two sets - that last bit of effort, the bit that takes you to that stagger out of the gym rather than a easy walk. Tomorrow brings back the back! Tomorrow I WILL CHALLENGE myself that little bit more...

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Motivational music!

Ad this one to the playlist.

Also if you struggle to find these songs through the normal channels, here is a link for a website that can extract the audio from the YouTube clip

Warning language content adult on this clip.

Blitz day 6 of 14.

Workout log:
Today was bonus day! Chest!
As a small break from the blitz on legs and back, I had a small sleep in and made it down to the gym by 8.

First exercise, incline chest with one arm triceps extensions in between. Alternating the chest sets from standard to suppinated grips as I pushed out the four sets.

Then it was on to some good old fashion barbell chest presses. In between these I squeezed in some standing French presses. Hitting one of the main assistance muscles as part of a superset really tests you, tiring you and making you focus on the main muscle that you are trying to target when you hit it on the next set.

The cable machine was in high demand so I popped a few incline dumbbell flys and machine pec flys while it cleared. Once it was clear a super set of single arm triceps pull downs and cable chest flys ensued. 2 at the highest cable height setting then 2 at the middle and finally 2 right down low.

The hour was now almost gone, but I still had time for a ladder finish. Normally I can squeeze out 7 dips to start but today it was 6, everything was becoming jelly and numb! So 6 dips, 6 push-ups, NO BREAK! Then a short wait and onto the next 5 dips, 5 push-ups. This kept going till I failed at 2 for 2. That was it, nothing left.

Now, I wait till Monday. Monday brings on the legs!!! Oh Lordy...

Friday, 18 January 2013

Blitz day 5 of 14.

It was back to back again today. 3rd day of back for the week so far. Today echoed Mondays line up but with an increase in weight lifted wherever possible.

I've noted that today didn't seem as sore as Wednesday and the session seemed to breeze by quicker. Was this a sign of the body's adaptation skills? I will have to push harder again next week. Crank it up some more.

The weekend is now here so Saturday will bring a bonus round on the chest while Sunday will be a day of pure rest.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Blitz day 4 of 14.

Workout log:
Today is another legs day, but with a few different exercises to keep it fresh.

No one was in the squat rack today, but that didn't help me because I didn't need it. Instead today was sumo squats. I hit up 7 sets of these squat alternatives. No superset just minimal rest between sets. 10 or so the. Back into it.

My next challenge was a standing calf raise set to punish them calves! I started at my maximum rep weight and push out 2 quick sets, then dropped the weight by a small amount and pushed out 2 more. Then dropped again, 2 more. Eventually with a great muscle burn and wobbly legs to carry me 14 sets had passed by.

I staggered my way over to the extension and curl machines to carry out a superset match of 4 sets of 10 reps one after the other. My shins hurt from Tuesday right where the pads lay. I pushed through that pain, it was only mild soreness compared to the scream that I could feel in the teardrop of my quad.

One last challenge, beat my one gym length walking lunge effort from Tuesday. This time I made it to 2 lengths. The target was only going to keep growing from here.

That was the last leg day for this week. Next week tho will see legs take on one more day and back drop by one. So tomorrow it's back to back again...I'm sore... It's good!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Blitz day 3 of 14.

Workout log:
Another early morning, dark and ominous. Were the dark clouds and rain a sign of things to come, it was the 3rd day of the blitz, which meant it was back to back! How would I go having only one day between working the same muscle group?

Straight into a low cable row. Not with a fixed handle but 2 short hand grips, this gave me the ability to pull a little further back. Super set with a back raise and all my lower back troubles were non apparent. As I moved into the next sets the weight on the row went up and I began to incorporate once again a weight into my bends. With only a days rest between I could really feel the lats contract and use their fibre strengths to make the reps.

Onto the next challenge. Bent over barbell rows super set with chin ups. The rows seemed easy, but I was going steady for fear of tweaking my back ( the last 2 times I had tweaked were on the same exercise ) feet close together to really make the core work for balance. Then BAM straight onto the chins! This is where day 1 is really felt. A great burn sets in at rep number 4, at 3 you think, "this will be easy! Bring on 8, heck bring on 10!" But at 4 you quickly change back to,"maybe I'll stop at 6..."

6 sets later and it's time for some good old fashion lat pull downs. My gym however has a odd machine for this. The cable set up is too awkward to set up and do properly so this machine will have to do. The down side... No super set, the machine sits to far away, if you get up someone will think you have finished and be on it like white on rice. So I slammed my way through a lat barrage, one after the other, minimal break. 6 sets went before I knew it.

Now to really tap that upper back, the exercise that makes you look as silly as hell the bent over rear fly. You look like a bird in training, bent over flapping your arms like you think you can fly. As soon as I competed my weighted set I dropped the weights and did the same movement weight free and pushed out another 15. A little more speed but extra focus on the squeeze and form is the goal for this.

Lastly I needed to push them lats just a little more so machine pull downs got added to the list. It wasn't there when I made it Sunday night but I had the time so it became the new finisher. Heavy weights, clean pulls, chest flat against the pad. My lats were beyond screaming they were in the state of numb, I knew that tomorrow they would be making my life hell, today was their punishment.

Grow little back grow!
Legs are sore today so bring on legs day again tomorrow.
Mwahhahahah... Oh wait this means more suffering for me... Shouldn't laugh then. Oh what the hell, mwahahahhhahahahahaha!!!!😈

Monday, 14 January 2013

Blitz day 2 of 14.

Workout log:
Up good and early again, straight to the coffee. Had to exorcise the demon inside before hitting deep squats and pushing out leg presses. This made me a tad late to gym.

As I drove in lightning cracked over the city as the dark clouds loomed. I began to psych myself up for starting with squats. But alas when I got there I was beaten to the rack by another. So I started at the middle of my routine.

Incline leg presses on the 45 super set with 45 machine calf raises. Each calf raise set however consisted of 8 pigeon heeled, 8 pigeon toed and 8 straight raises. After 6 sets of this the squat rack was mine for the taking.

I wasn't breaking any records today, but instead I was focusing on squatting right. Nice and deep, good posture and pushing through the heels of my feet instead of my toes. The super set here was single leg calf raises off the block with weight in hand. 6 set of this and for the second day running I was drenched in sweat.

I still had to finish the routine. 3 exercises to go.

Without much rest I moved onto the leg extension machine and ripped into a set of 10, quickly I was onto the leg curl machine to push out the same. Then back to the extension machine, no rest. As the sets went on the burn was making the short journey between the apparatus' a wibble wobble event.

Now for the finale! Could I lunge my way from one side of the gym to the other? As it turns out yes. Could I drive my car out of the carpark? Barely. Will I be able to sit down properly tomorrow... Maybe not.

Bring on back day tomorrow, this week has only just begun!

Blitz day 1 of 14.

Workout log:
Up nice and early as usual 4:45am to get ready for a 5:30 start at the gym.
The night before I had made my hit list to follow so that once at the gym I could utilize my time to the best.

5:30, it begins. Slaving away on the first superset, wide grip chin ups followed by a one arm row. It wasn't long before the sweat was beading and soaking into my gym attire. 6 sets of 8 reps later and it was time to move on. At set 5 and 6 I had to stop pause briefly to complete the 7th and 8th rep on the chins.

Next superset, close grip chin ups and lower back extensions. I chose no weight for the lower back, as I'm still getting over a little bit of tenderness from a workout a week ago. As the last sets, 5 and 6 came about I was utilizing some negatives for the chin ups. Jumping up and coming down slow.

By this time the gym was starting to get a little more busy and the cable apparatus was taken up by another gym goer. So I slammed into some more one arm rows. 2 sets later and it was free. Now was the time to make my move. I set up the side by side cable machine ready for my high back pulls.

Into another superset routine I go. This time high cable pulls and more one arm rows. By now energy was coming out in explosions and I was really having to make the mind muscle connection to keep form and focus on each rep and each set.

Finally the session was complete! An hour later and I was spent. But...I had one last thing to do once I got home in the arvo. Smash out a few more chin ups to really get the last out of the lats.

Now BRING on legs day tomorrow.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Leg it, I'll be back!

I've decided on 2 new goals for my fitness this year.

Bigger back!

Bigger legs!

Now I don't want super sized quads like that of most body builders, I want to bring my legs into a better proportion with my upper body. No body wants to look like a chicken when they wear shorts. So I shall have to continue my heavy calf routine and ensure my quads and hams don't get neglected.

As for my back, I want more lat and more size throughout.

So here's the's simple... We kill the batman!
No wait.
Train INSANE or remain the same.

For the next two weeks I shall blitz legs and back. One day back, next leg and keep alternating like this.

But what about the rest of my muscle groups? Only chest might take a back seat for a while, along with the tri's. But if I'm feeling up to it Saturday or Sunday I might sneak in a power chest and Tri workout.

So with this in mind!!! Bring on Monday!!!!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

It's gotta go!!

Did you get chocolates for Christmas? Lots? Maybe too many?

What about cakes and treats that you bought for visitors?

Biscuits, nice sweet butter laden short cake biscuits?

Well. It's time.

I know that we still have left over "junk" food in the house. For us it's the sweet treats that are harder to resist. So this weekend is THE end!

So what about waste not want not? Well we are going to collect together the stuff that either isn't open or we have lots of and I will take them to work for all of my colleges to share in. The smaller quantities... Will meet the bin.

If you have any gifted treats or bought junk food nasties, either still left over from the holiday season or even naughtily bought with last weeks shopping... Join me in making this weekend the throw away weekend.

If it ain't in your house anymore, it can't tempt you❗

Saturday, 5 January 2013

6 Fitness myths and legends! Debunked...

I read a lot from my mobile forum app called anabolic minds, and with the new year many resolution and diet tips have come pouring out. The post I liked more recently was one debunking some fabled fitness and health myths.

I have picked 6 for your reading pleasure, but if you wish to read more, the links are posted at the bottom.

1. Spot Reduction, where you lose weight on your body is purely genetic and can't be encouraged.

True. Unfortunately, when you train and diet to lose fat, you have little to no control over where it comes off most or in what proportions. Your body has certain genetically pre-determined sites that it likes to store fat (it’s often around the belly for men and the thighs or triceps for women), and if you store a lot of fat in these areas it may seem like you’re not losing any even though you know you’re getting leaner. Stay the course and eventually things should even out. Spot-reduction is not possible unless you go for liposuction. Without such surgery, your body will draw fat from different regions at different rates depending on your genetic makeup.
If spot reduction was possible by training and diet, you'd seldom see women with lower-body fat deposits or men with big guts.

2. Sweat and Muscle Growth, does sweating profusely have an effect on muscle growth or fat loss?

False. The amount you sweat is in no way a sign of how quickly or slowly your muscles are growing. More muscle mass means a faster metabolism and your body temperature will rise more quickly with activity, but ultimately sweat isn’t a sign of anything other than your body being overheated. Sweat has nothing to do with intensity; it's your body's way of getting rid of heat. Fat is oxidized inside your body, and it is not going to vaporize because you're sweating!

3. My Calcium Must Come From Dairy
TRUTH: You can get calcium from vegan sources like broccoli and sesame seeds, but in order to get the recommended intake of elemental calcium, you need to eat plenty! Dietitians forget that you cannot consume one cup of sesame seeds per day on a fat-loss diet.

A cup of sesame seeds would provide 1400 mgs of calcium—but also 825 calories. Two pounds of broccoli would yield 426 mgs of calcium, but broccoli also contains oxalic acid which inhibits calcium absorption. Sea vegetables, like hijiki, contain arsenic in addition to the high calcium content. Supplementation is a good idea, but you may need to take more than you think. Calcium carbonate is a source of calcium that has 40 percent elemental calcium, so when the label on the bottle reads: "1000 mgs per serving," it means you only get 400 mgs out of it. Calcium citrate is 20 percent elemental, therefore 1000mgs of calcium citrate yields 200 mgs. Before you supp, make sure you know how much calcium you need and compare it to the label.

4. Avocados, Peanut Butter, And Oils Are "Clean" And Can Help You Lose Weight

TRUTH: Healthy fats are an important part of your diet, but having even a 100 percent clean diet doesn't mean you'll lose weight. You can be overweight and eat nothing but "clean" food.

5. Fruit Is A Healthy Snack That Can't Make You Fat
TRUTH: Humans eat food because it gives us nutrients and fuel, but any kind of food, no matter how healthy, can make you gain weight. Fruit has a lot of easily accessible carbs. When you provide your body with easily accessible carbs, you're basically telling it to stop burning body fat for fuel.

6. High-Protein Diets Are Bad For Your Kidneys
TRUTH: Protein taxes the kidneys because they have to work harder to process it. Healthy people without a preexisting kidney condition are fine to eat a lot of protein as long as they drink a lot of water too.


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Motivational music

Well here is one of the latest additions to my 2013 workout playlist. Old song, newer dub step remix. An absolute must song for when you are about to start cranking some filthy weights!

The song is also full of animalistic noises, so you might pop out a few grunts yourself, or drown out those in the gym that do.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


9500+ blog views and counting. The tally continued even as my posts stopped over the break...nice, should crack the grand soon. So what does 2013 have in store?

2013 will be another big year for fitness motivation, with many people's new year goals being directed at health.

On New Year's Eve I saw a gents 20kg + weight loss achievement, which I found quite motivating in itself. And he has done it the right way (for diet and fitness) and for proactive health reasons.

I myself will be looking to really test my mettle with my new motivating mantra "train insane, or remain the same!!" Lifting bigger, stronger and creating the body I want.

It will be a year of staying on the eat healthy train, I veered off course a little over the holiday break. So back on track for that.

2013... BRING IT ON!