Sunday, 2 December 2012

Be prepared for weight loss

So you have your weekly routine or plan for the gym, great. What about your weekly plan for the other side? The yang to the ying, if you are burning it up at the gym, you need to plan for what fuel you are going o put in. And if you are looking for weight loss it helps to be prepared, because you can't just be eating everything in sight (those who are bulking only get this pleasure)

Portion size and what you take in is important, so having pre portioned meals is a great start. I utilize a large can of tuna for my lunch meal, however my wife hates the stuff. So I proposed a lunch time meal set up that should do the job for taste, protein and energy.

We spent around a half hour preparing over a weeks worth of lunches for her, season and flavor some chicken breast, cook it. Make some rice and boil up some greens. Then using some food storage containers, portion out the goodies. Whack em in the fridge and now each day her lunch is sorted.

If you are used to big lunches this methodology might cause some hunger grumbles through the first week. Your stomach is going to shrink and the grumbles get less after the week. The other thing that you will need to do is eat every 2 hours or so. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, arvo snack, then tea and if you need to a very small power snack before bed.

Now before anyone starts preaching that I'm not a nutritionist and such... Bear in mind that this is only advice. If you find yourself feeling weak or sick, increase your portion size to energize. And make sure what you are eating as snacks in-between are healthy and not junk. And if you are finding it hard to adjust your eating habits or not sure what you shod be eating, seek advice from a nutritionist. They will be able to suggest what foods you should be eating to fill any nutrient voids.

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