Friday, 8 June 2012


There is some pain you push through and then there are some you need to carefully let heal and rest!

I have the latter of the two.

I tweaked something in my deltoid, and today was supposed to be a shoulder day. Grrr!

So, it's heavy on the protein and creatine for repairs to be made. Stretches and deep heat, with some nurofen as the cherry on top.

Now I could have gone to gym this morning and either made it worse or not train intensely. But if you can't give it 10% and some… you need to rest till you can.

But! I am still going to exercise today I will go for some cardio instead.

It is soooo important that you get to know your body and it's rebuild capabilities, just as much as you need to know you limits. Learning when to rest and what to do while you're resting is key to remaining fit!

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