Sunday, 6 May 2012

Living at the Gym!

So many people say to me in passing, “Oh you live at the Gym!” but the truth of the matter is… I don’t.

I spend an hour to an hour and a half at the gym 5 times a week.

This works out to be, 7.5 hours every week spent on keeping physically fit.

Consider that you spend possibly 2hrs or more every day watching TV, and that’s on a minimum, most watch more (based on half an hour of news in the morning, half an hour of news at night and 1hr of TV shows). This equates to 14hrs every week spent on TV watching.

So does this mean that you live on the couch?

Well problem is some do.

And that is the problem.

I would agree that finding the time to carry out daily exercise can be daunting at first. And some people are going to try and bring you down with comments like.

“I could think of some better things to do with my time.”


“I’m way too busy to be going to a gym every day.”

But the reality is. It’s not that hard.

Plan it, routine it and it will become a part of everyday life.

I can’t think of anything better than improving my health with a spare hour, or even a spare half hour, every day.
So if you get faced with these comments by fellow naysayers, fight back with,

“oh yeah, what better things could you do with your time?” (put them on the spot)


“to busy to invest in living longer? Tell me how you plan to spend your retirement years?”

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