There comes a time in carrying out your exercise that you might find yourself turning to toning using weights instead of cardio. Be careful, this can take a hit at your self esteem.
Because you will begin to put on a kg or two.
Remember the old saying muscle weighs more than fat? I do. I used to use the line as an argument when I was younger and got called fat… but there is truth to it.
1 kg of fat takes up as much space as a bottle of wine, 1 kg of muscle, a coke can!
So as you start to tone, or gain muscle that wasn't there before. Expect some weight gain on the scales.
But don't let it dent your efforts. This is why in my new years revolution post I didn't tell anyone to weigh themselves Besides causing a weight watching by day punishment, it doesn't reflect your progress all of the time.
So if you've found that after weeks of effort you gain 1 or 2 don't stress yet. Just keep working it.
Yeah buddy!
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