Thursday, 19 January 2012

Dont have a Gym?

Alternatives and random exercise opportunities area handy tool to know, because sometimes you can’t always find a gym, want to go to a gym or even at home you done have the equipment.

So here are three you can add to your rep and I shall try and add more as we go along

1. Sounds a bit creepy, but a child’s playground is ideal for finding a chin up area and as well as benches for performing triceps dips and stretches. You could plan your jogging route to take you past a playground. Try not to look creepy when your there, you might give other parents the wrong idea.
2. Bathrooms! What, what? Yes a bathroom or a tiled area is a great place to carry out a towel fly. Take a towel or two face washers (dry) and assume a push up beginning position. Then allow your hands to slip outward till your almost kissing the ground. Push up through your chest, just like a dumbbell fly or machine fly movement and push yourself back up again.
3. Beach Jog! This is one of the best treadmills you can find. You can increase your resistance level by moving further up into the soft sand, or make pace down at the harder waters edge. On top of that you can run barefoot and the impact is lessened by the soft cush of the sand.

No excuses! No complaining! Getting fit no worries
(picture courtesy of.

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