Saturday, 27 December 2014

What are you waiting for?

So maybe your gym is shut for the holiday break, or maybe with all of the commitments that this time of year brings, you are busy traveling.

Also this time of year brings over eating,  food comas and a level of loathing and lethargy that can have you saying,  "I'll start again next week..."

But what are you waiting for?  Turn that christmas overload of foods energy into gainz and a kick arse ends to 2014!!!

My top tip is to engage in gym time asap! The sooner you get back on the horse the better you'll feel and the less the numbers will be reflected in the dreaded scales!

Tip number two...  don't use the scales!  If you can help it,  wait for the end of your first week of fitness to jump on the scales. If you really have to,  don't be shocked or burdened by the numbers. If you have increased in weight,  it won't be long till its off again. Remember the kilos are not the main defining factor of your health or fitness.

Tip number three,  start your routine with something big!  Get stuck into a big leg session to really start kick off the fat burning process.

But whatever you do,  just get back onto it!!!