Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Shoulders maketh...

I believe there is a saying that shoulders maketh the man. It's even suggested that it's one of the top things that a female look for in a prospective partner. All that aside, I don't think it quite works the other way around. But who am I kidding, some guys have profound tastes. 

Either sex that you be, respect the shoulders!

Shoulders is a very broad statement though. It refers to any top section of the arm, this includes some chest, tris, biceps and some of the back muscles. But what most people are simply referring to is the deltoid group when speaking of shoulders. 

So why respect the shoulders (deltoids)? Well because they are so interconnected with all the other previously mentioned muscles, damage the shoulders, say goodbye to chest day, arms day and upper back day!!!

When it comes to training them you also have to be mindful of the front, middle and rear deltoid regions because not all shoulder excercises and other muscles that incorporate a bit of the deltoid with them hit all three sections evenly. 

The chest, bicep and tricep workouts that everybody loves, have a tendency to put strain on the front deltoid thus giving you more front facing mass to your shoulder. This can be detremental to the look of your body, causing pulled forwad shoulders and no width. So be mindful on shoulders training day to even out the playing field a bit if you do a lot of chest and arms work during the rest of the week. Hit the lateral raises more for width and ensure that you carry out rear deltoid raises (bent over or on a bench for support) to ensure an all over shoulder look that won't have you looking like Quasimodo. 

Friday, 14 November 2014

Gyms, gyms everywhere!

As I have been recently finding, the fitness industry as a whole seems to be everywhere. News programs are reporting on it, supplement stores are hundreds to choose from and every second gym rat is becoming a fitness model or competitor. The other thing that seems to be on the rise is gyms AND more importantly 24hr gyms. 

Driving through big cities it's not uncommon to see even three 24hr gyms side by side. In my own town area we have gyms AND training centres to please and appease all tastes. What kind of gym is going to suit you best and is it worth the dough to join?

Doing some research and even dropping in for a one time use of a gym is most advisable for those looking for the right gym. But if you aren't 100% sure if the gym you have chosen is right, before you sign your paperwork for membership, find out what it will take to bail out our leave the gym contract. 

Some gyms are better suited to certain workout goals, so entering with a plan of how you want to workout will help you keep an eye out for what the gym has to help you achieve your goals. Don't chose a flash gym with loads of cardio equipment and no free weights if you plan to focus on resistance training. Look at the group fitness timetable if this will be more your thing to see if it will suit your own work and life schedule. Check the opening hours to ensure that this also suits your chosen workout time. 

Is it worth the money? If you are starting to get into your fitness and jogging round the block isn't cutting it any more, gym is an answer, but it can be a dollar investment that might end up costing you if you don't use it or choose poorly. Now most gyms have done the hard work for you, to stay competitive in your area they will all have a very similar price for membership as the rest of the town. But a gym with little equipment might be worth driving past to get to another gym if the other gym will suit your needs better. Don't let the fact that a gym is open 24hr sway your decision to pay more, I've belonged to two gyms that where not 24hr and I've learnt to build my training days around this. If you are game, ask the front desk attendant of you can try the gym for a free session, most gyms don't have a problem giving you a free trial session to test the waters, they will probably give you the membership cost spiel at the same time.  

Lastly, what about niche gyms? I'm talking crossfit, boxing, boot camp styles of gyms... These might be a better option to break away from the normal gym type routine, but might not be as permanent a choice for some. These gyms have very target specific equipment and goals. If you don't plan to be a boxer, boxing training might not be for you, but if you don't try... You might never know!

One things for sure, there are many choices and options for those looking for a place to call home (for fitness) so no excuses!!!