Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Ok, so some people like to keep it super natural in the gym. No gloves no straps, just natural grip.
Well fine be that way, but if you really want to push it, sometimes the gloves or straps are the only option.
Some exercises cannot be assisted by a workout partner or you might not have a workout partner to assist you. With the assistance of a strap or grip, you can focus more on the muscle you are trying to fatigue rather than worrying that the grip you have on the bar is about to let go and make one hell of a scene.
But the straps can be time consuming and tricky to work out. And plain old gloves don’t stain away the fatigue as much as a strap. So what is the solution?
I have had my Versa Grips now for over 3 years… they are still going strong! Back then I paid about $70 and now they sell for about $100!!
There are however some decent options on the market that have taken the same idea and are just selling them cheaper.
One such brand that I bought for my brothers Christmas present was DAM who make gloves and straps and a few other things.
As for their lasting power, only time will tell.
If you look at the pictures you will see how the unit operates. This ultimately locks the glove onto the bar or handle and allows the weight of the object to force the rubber strap to stay attached, even if you let your thumbs and grip go. Only once the tension is off the support will you be able to unlock it from the GRIPS GRASP!!!
This has allowed me to gain a few extra rep on wide grip chin ups, pull ridiculous weights on one arm pulls and allowed extra focus on posture for things like dead lifts. Pretty much, if it’s back day, I need my grips to punish the body to the MAXIMUM!!!
To find these lifting aids, search for versa grips through eBay or check with your local supplement or fitness store.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

The secret! (OMG he's revealing it)

Ok that was a straight up title grabber, so now I have your attention...
I'm sure you have seen the ads in the news feed of your Facebook, or on the sidelines where the ads go, "gain muscle and lose fat-we show you how countless celebrities are doing it!".
Here is a sample
And they seem to be on a legit muscle and fitness website too... Well let's get one thing clear. This is pandering to the current young male trend to become the next aesthetics crew of their home town. BUT the science behind what they are selling isn't all that far fetched. 

The basic outline is, take this supplement (normally something cool sounding like, Elk horn. ) and take that supplement, (another one that sounds like a nuclear explosion system for your muscles) and BAM you will have muscle FAST!

So what have they got right? The first supplement is designed to increase the testosterone levels in the body. Taken in a pill form and not reaching anywhere near the heights of steroid users, this extra testosterone should give you extra energy and aid the repair and recovery process. The second is the preworkout, inducing nitric oxide flow or bettering it through the blood system also helps grow muscles as the muscles get a better flow of blood to lift more, this breaking the fibers to create growth. 

The part that they seem to skirt around, is that you will still need to as Arnie days "work your bit off!"  All be it easier with these supplements in your repertoire. 

Well I'm no sucker so I won't be sending my credit card details to an American store offering a free start up sample (chances are that customs might taken em anyway, the media is so miss informed about what is a steriod and what is a protein powder) instead I will trial 2 supplements as suggested, one being a testosterone booster and the other, a well known nitric oxide enhancer to the body building world and a BCAA to boot! L-glutamine. 

Both of these products I have been able to order cheap through eBay sellers. The testosterone booster is based from a plant, which doing some extra research has lead me to believe that it will most likely do nothing. But hey what's a test without something to test...

As always I will post my results, my body is in a good state, lifting strong, but not super ripped, the holidays were unkind, but not too unkind to the body fat %. 

Bring on the tests and recordings...

BTW - if the link on these ads takes you to a mens health website

Like this one, then these are the SECRET's that I'm telling you about. Besides that the website seems legit, but they are not affiliated with the magazine you see in the news stands. I did view a few other sites that did seem to provide workouts and month to month plans on how to lift big and get ripped, the pictures on these sites are more of a problem than anything, showing off roid boosted muscle men as the ideal!

Here we are in 2016 and the site is still up, constantly changing their "celebrity" who hot jacked, large, changed their body etc. What further research has shown is that the Free trial is bogus and that thw company does not refund opened bottles, therefore meaning if you do the trial... you pay for the supplements anyway. Where the fuck is the free in that? (Thankfully I did not find this out by actually trying them out, I just noticed we were still seeing this "Men's Health life" bullshit into 2016, so I did a bit more googling on the matter.

Please don't like their crap on Facebook or follow through with a Free trial, spend the pennies at a local supplement store and gym membership.  Remember hard work and nutrition is the key to a fit ripped bod!

Motivation Music - Ludacris - Get Back (Uncensored)

Get this one pumpin through the headphones! Luda never disappoints!

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Here is a set of three workouts that hit 3 size and strength areas, and on top of that, leave no muscle unused! So if you only have 3 days in a week to train, make it PRIMAL!
This pictures are from the exercises page @

Friday, 10 January 2014

Detox Smetox!

Detox’ are all a buzz at the moment, and I for one can’t see the point in doing one. Most of them involve cutting something out of your food intake (normally something of value like carbs) for a period of time and really there is no need to do this.

Detox’ are like any other diet, use em, abuse em, then whine and complain when the results only last a couple of weeks. The only detox you should be considering is the one that involves cleansing your food intake of junk foods. I’m talking junk foods as a larger spectrum too. Eat clean and train mean is a worldwide mantra, but it makes sense! Eat what you need too for the goals you are setting. Don’t convince yourself that you need to eat 8 large meals a day if you are not looking to bulk up, don’t cut down your calorie and consumption intake if you are using a lot of energy, eat what you NEED to. 

It might take a little while to modify and tune your food intake but that’s part of the fitness learning. If you need help and advice, SEEK it! There are many people out there that are trying to achieve the same thing and I’m sure they, along with the trained professionals, will have advice galore. 

The main thing is DON’T fall for the DETOX pitfall. There are many, and they will ALL fail! You might see some instant results (but never forget the first 3 KG are SOOOOOOOO easy to lose) but what you want is a lifestyle change, and unless your planning on drinking only lemon all your life, this is what causes a DETOX to be useless. One off results for a short period of time and then a YO-YO back to a heavier weight is bad for your body and for your heath.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

What's next for this beast?

Well 2014 has already started cranking up full steam, and this year will undoubtedly be another big one for me. I will be continuing my ongoing fitness coaching and as always, keeping you all motivated to get and stay fit and active. 

As for MY goals, well this year is going to be the year of the abs for me! This will mean countless sit-ups, crunches, leg raises etc. But I won't be nessicarily aiming for a shredded look, just an ab-solute strengthening of the core to assist in lifting bigger!

So the primal 3 will be targeted as often as possible (I will post the primal 3 workout on this blog, but it is already on my Facebook page) and I will soon be done with my apparatus addition to my home gym which will also help with my 2014 goal!

As for a few other things, I am planning on working on some gym wear and apparel which may or maynot go to sale, depending on how good it turns out. And more equipment will be brought for my home gym, as I think that once I'm a father (which I'm hoping will be the outcome soon) I may have less early mornings to spend at the gym. 

I hope you all have set a 2014 fitness goal, get ready to ACHIEVE IT!