Wednesday, 22 August 2012

He can do it all!

Arnold gives so much back.

This is the answer to childhood obesity right here!

If the schools are not adopting it, parents should be.

If you're a parent and you are not do you expect your children to do something you don't?

I'm not sure what schools are like at the moment with PE but I remember having to do some, but there was never a huge emphasis on it. I imagine in this day and age of lawsuits, over protective parents and the heavier focus on other subjects that this is becoming more of an elective thing rather than mandatory.

I'm with Arnold, we need to have more focus on the exercise to make the minds of our youth stronger to cope with the new world we live in.

Saturday, 18 August 2012


Your History to Channel

A little more about me.
Knowing where you have come from can help you stay on track and push forward with your new goals. So perhaps looking into your history could give you some new inspiration to channel into.

My high school life was riddled with fat kid bullying, until year 10 after I shot up in height.
Then I spent the next 2 years taking control of my diet and by the end of high school, I was slender. A goal I had wanted to achieve for a long time.

Then many more years passed until a couple of years back on my birthday, my mom answered the phone. It was a random cold call for an exercise club in town. Mom was already a gym junkie so she passed the phone on to me.

Originally the plan was to use the two free weeks and then bail. The only gym work I had ever done was back at high school and it never did anything for me.

So I rock up and start on the circuit and the bug hit me almost straight away. The sweat, challenge and self challenge were a great feeling. I wanted more; my new goal was to be in a fitter condition for snowboarding in Canada by the end of the year.

By the time the trip came, I was fitter and my goal was achieved. Previous trip, massively sore legs from boarding, new trip, no sore legs!

However in that trip I ate quite a bit, one of the pitfalls of holidaying in the USA. So upon my return, the food side of things got a good kick start again. Smaller meals, healthier meal and in about 3 weeks I had lost around 10kg!

Now my goal changed to maintaining and gaining a bit more muscle mass.

So it has been a fairly long journey so far, with many smaller achievement goals in-between, I can still remember that awkwardness of going into the gym for the first time and feeling out of place. Now I can confidently walk into any gym set up and begin a workout with a very clear goal set in mind.

I urge you, if you have been scared to start or think you should do something about your fitness, begin NOW and see if you can get bitten by the fitness bug.

Your History to Channel

A little more about me.
Knowing where you have come from can help you stay on track and push forward with your new goals. So perhaps looking into your history could give you some new inspiration to channel into.

My high school life was riddled with fat kid bullying, until year 10 after I shot up in height.
Then I spent the next 2 years taking control of my diet and by the end of high school, I was slender. A goal I had wanted to achieve for a long time.

Then many more years passed until a couple of years back on my birthday, my mom answered the phone. It was a random cold call for an exercise club in town. Mom was already a gym junkie so she passed the phone on to me.

Originally the plan was to use the two free weeks and then bail. The only gym work I had ever done was back at high school and it never did anything for me.

So I rock up and start on the circuit and the bug hit me almost straight away. The sweat, challenge and self challenge were a great feeling. I wanted more; my new goal was to be in a fitter condition for snowboarding in Canada by the end of the year.

By the time the trip came, I was fitter and my goal was achieved. Previous trip, massively sore legs from boarding, new trip, no sore legs!

However in that trip I ate quite a bit, one of the pitfalls of holidaying in the USA. So upon my return, the food side of things got a good kick start again. Smaller meals, healthier meal and in about 3 weeks I had lost around 10kg!

Now my goal changed to maintaining and gaining a bit more muscle mass.

So it has been a fairly long journey so far, with many smaller achievement goals in-between, I can still remember that awkwardness of going into the gym for the first time and feeling out of place. Now I can confidently walk into any gym set up and begin a workout with a very clear goal set in mind.

I urge you, if you have been scared to start or think you should do something about your fitness, begin NOW and see if you can get bitten by the fitness bug.